Chapter 13

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 Lacey's POV

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's around 3am right now and I can't sleep. I keep thinking of Justin, and.....well us. When he kissed my cheek a jolt of electricity went through my body. Goosebumps spread across my skin and I know he felt it too because he stared at me with so much lust. My body shudders at the memory but I just shrug it off. I push the cover off me and stand up. I grab a baggy jumper and place it over my bare body. It's too hot in my bed, but it's probably because of what happened earlier, it got me hot and flustered. I grab my phone and sit on my bed. I notice I got a text from, "Baby Daddy", who i'm guessing is Justin. It was sent 10 minutes ago, why is he up? 

Baby Daddy- I'll pick you up at noon okay x

Baby Momma-  Okay, um should I just bring, like a bathing suit, towel and stuff for Harper x

Baby Daddy-  Yeh that will be good, but why are you up? x

Baby Momma- Can't sleep I guess, wby? x

Baby Daddy- Same here, wanna talk about it? x

Baby Momma- It's fine, but why is your contact under 'Baby Daddy' x

Baby Daddy- Cause I am your baby's daddy aha x

Baby Momma- I know.  What am I on your phone? 

Baby Daddy- WHAT!? No kiss, and your baby momma x

Baby Momma- Wow.... ahaha x

Baby Daddy- Damn Baby Momma, back at it again with the kisses ahaha x

Baby Momma- :-/ fuck off

Baby Daddy- Sorry :(

Baby Momma- It's fine, i'm kinda irritated rn x

Baby Daddy- Wanna take it out on me :) x

Baby Momma- Nah, i'm good xx

Baby Momma- Meant 1 x oops

Baby Daddy- Sure ;) but i'm gonna let you sleep,i've gotta finish writing my song xox

Baby Momma- Okay, but get some  sleep too, Harpers gonna keep you on your toes tomorrow aahah x

Baby Daddy- Okay I will, and I can't wait, shes my new pride and joy. She's my main priority right now. 

Baby Momma- ahaha okay bye, goodnight Justin x

Baby Daddy- Goodnight Lace xox


I put my phone down, a smile on my face. What has gotten into me. I place my phone on charge and cuddle up in my bed. Justin plays on my mind until I finally drift off to sleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Short but sweet xoxox

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