Chapter 12

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Justin's POV

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just when I thought my past was behind me it comes back, in the form of a baby. I mean i'm not complaining she is the cutest thing I've ever seen but it's just not the time. I just released a new single and i'm also working on my album, things are just hectic. As I sit in the car, Harper on my knee playing with my chain, Lacey on my right and Scooter on my left the radio announces something. "So we have Justin Bieber, that's right folks, I said Justin Bieber. So we have his new song, "Where are u now" which is with Skrillex and Diplo. We are super excited to play it so lets get to it, here is "Where are u now", he say's before the start plays. "The first time being played on the radio Justin" Scooter nudges my side making me smile. "I really love this song tho" I say, looking down at my beautiful daughter.

 I look over at Lacey, seeing her daydreaming, looking out the window. I poke her side startling her. "Sorry" I say when she turns around. She looks into my eyes and we stay there for a few seconds before she looks away. I get this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach but I just push it to the side. "So... you like my new song" I ask trying to start a conversation. She shrugs and looks out the window again. Fuck sake, this is gonna be difficult, I need to be friends with her I mean we have a child together.

 "We're here" the driver says and I sigh.  Harper looks up at me with her beautiful hazel eyes and tears threaten to spill. I can't believe I have a daughter. I went to the studio today too finish recording my new song, "I'll show you" and ended up leaving with an un-finished song, a child and a angry, yet shy baby-momma. "Come here baby" she says holding out her arms for Harper. "I'll take her in, you get the stroller" I say stepping out of the car once Lacey does. She grabs the stroller from security and walks over. It was folded up do I decide to take that and she takes the baby.

 We walk into the elevator and she presses her floor.  The ride is full of tension since she pretty much hates me. I can't say the same for me. I had nothing to hate her for,I made her pregnant life a hell. The elevator reaches the floor and we step out. "Thank you," she says as we reach her door. "No problem" I say before walking into her apartment. I look around and see a basic looking apartment, not really what I'm into but I thought she was rich. "Not too sound rude, but I though you were rich" I say, bluntly. "My um, parents, they were supportive before but um, I became distant and now they act like i'm not there daughter. They don't invite me to family dinners, but I still go since Sammy's family go to the family dinners" she says making me feel bad.

 "Do you need anything, money, I'll give you child support if you want" I say placing the stroller on the ground and approach her. "It's fine, as long as your in her life, she'll be fine, and so will I" she says placing Harper in her walker. "Well if you want, i'm free tomorrow. We could take Harper too the beach since it's supposed to be really hot" I say scratching the back of my neck because I'm so nervous. "Um, sure" she says, catching me by surprise. "Well um, okay. I will pick you up here at about noon" I say and she nods. I walk over to Harper and place a soft kiss on the top of her head. "I love you baby, i'll see you tomorrow" I say before turning to face Lace. 

"Goodbye" I say and for some reason I lean in

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"Goodbye" I say and for some reason I lean in. I couldn't stop myself. I cupped her jaw and placed a soft, delicate kiss on her cheek and I feel goosebumps arise on her skin. I get this weird feeling in me, similar to the one I felt in the car. I pull away and stare into her eyes before turning around. I walk towards the door but before I can walk out, I feel her grab my wrist and turn me around. "Um, can I have your phone number. Uh, you know, so I can uh, contact you" she says and I nod. Once I give her my number and she gives me mine I say goodbye and walk out. I need to just go home, invite over Alfredo and relax because I need it, it's been a long day.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm so excited for the next chapter!!

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