Chapter 14

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Lacey's POV

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"HARPER,,, please  just listen" I shout, tears slipping out my eyes. "NOOO!!" her ear piercing scream travels through the apartment. Me and Harper have been arguing for the past 20 minutes because she doesn't want to take her med's. She has a breathing condition which means she finds it hard to breath sometimes, kinda like asthma, but it isn't.

 I don't know where she got it from, I don't have troubles with my breathing, and Justin, well he has amazing breathing, since he is a singer. "You know what don't take them, come one" I say and pick her up. I place her in her crib and put her on time-out. I got barely any sleep last night and i'm exhausted.I go to my room and climb in my bed.  Tears fall down my face, but i'm to exhausted to even bother wiping them. I lie down and snuggle up into my sheet. 

"Lacey, wake up baby" I hear a manly voice say. I peek my head out of the sheet and see Justin, I small smile on his face. I smile back and snuggle back into the cover. "Thought we were going to the beach, it's noon" he says sitting on my bed. "Sorry, I've had a rough day" I say wiping my tear stained eyes. I look up at him and his small smile fades. "What's wrong, why are you crying" he says, stroking my cheek. 

I rest my head in his palm, feeling comfort and relaxation. I shake my head no and he sighs. "Please" he pleads,his soft hazel orbs staring into mine. Something about his eyes make my tummy flutter. "Please" he says, barely above a whisper. I nod and he gives me a full-hearted smile. "Now, tell me whats up" he says climbing in my bed. "Uh, uh. On top of the bed I'm not getting any dirt in my bed" I say, poking his nose. He chuckles and stands up.

I expect him to sit back but he does the complete opposite. He starts to unbutton his shirt, clearly oblivious to the fountain in my panties. I bite my lip to contain a moan but then snap out of it. What am I doing? What is he doing to me? He pulls down his pants, leaving him in only his Calvins. He stares at me intently, a smirk straining his pink, plump lips. He walks over and climbs in the bed. 

"W-what are you doing" I stutter, nervousness kicking in. "You said I can't come under the bed with my clothes on, because I would get it dirty, so I took them off" he simply states. "This-" I say pointing him up and down, "-Is not what I meant" "I don't care, i want to comfort you,and this is the only way" he says smiling. I can't help but smile back. 

"Okay, now tell me whats wrong" he says, sitting up, facing me and resting on his elbow. "Well I was trying to get Harps to take her med's but she wou-" "Med's, what does she need med's for" Justin panicked. "Calm down, she has a breathing condition called Rollins Disease (Made that up lol, pll fans) and she needs to take med's for it" I say soothing my hand over his cheek. "Is it life-threatening?" he asks, sheer panic in his voice. 

"No, she just finds it difficult to breath, but it doesn't stop her from breathing" I say and he lets out a loud sigh. "Thank fuck" he breathes out. I continue telling him about how I cried and ended up he. "Come here" he breathes out and I crawl into his muscular arms. We are shortly interrupted by a tiny person crawling in between us. "Oh, hey Harpy" I say ruffling up her light brown locks. 

She swats my hand away and glares. She is very sassy, a princess at times, but when she doesn't get her own way, she won't scream, she'll bring in my worst enemy. The puppy eyes. She's very cute and it makes me give in so easily, and I already know Justin will give in. "Hey mommy can- huh DADDY!" she shouts jumping on Justin. "Hey baby" he says wrapping his arms around her. 

"Mommy was mean today" she says and I huff. "Was she, do you want me to tell her off" Justin says, sending me a cheeky wink. "No, but you can kiss her, that's what mommy and daddy's do" she says and both our smiles dropped. "Well um, we aren't normal mommy and daddy's baby" he says making me frown. I wish Harper could have a normal life, but me and Justin just don't like each other like that.

 Harper huffs and then Justin begins to speak, "Well, since we aren't going to the beach anymore, how about a movie night" earning a scream from Harper. "FINDING DORY". "Okay, you stay here and i'll be back" he says standing up and running out the door, since he was basically half naked. Harper lies down beside me and lays her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her and she snuggles into my arms. 

Justin comes in 10 minutes later with sweats on his bottom half, but still shirtless, which I can't help but stare at. He is holding a 2 buckets of popcorn and a big bowl full of candy. "Where did you get all that food" I chuckle earning and a chuckle from him. "I know some people" he smirks and gets in the bed with us. The movie begins and I zone out a bit. I feel so comfy in this moment, I feel relaxed. I could honestly stay here forever. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dude this was cute


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