"CC, Calm Down"

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Everyone one was super exited, CC actually ran around yelling "ANDLEY IS REAL, ANDLEY IS REAL, ANDLEY IS REAL" Jake came over and congratulated us. Jinxx came over and gave me a hug.

"Congratulations big bro!!" He told me. I nodded, frankly, all this commotion was starting to freak me out and my voice stopped working. Andy must've noticed something was up with me, he came over and kissed my cheek.

"You're ok, my little kitten" My boyfriend (dam, it felt good to say that) whispered in my ear, making me shiver. I nodded, my voice is gone again. Andy then shouted at CC, who hadn't stopped running round yelling, "CC, DUDE, CALM THE FUCK DOWN, YOU'RE SCARING ASHES" I blushed at the nickname he just used. CC stopped immediately and came over to Andy and I.

"Hey dude, sorry, I get excited sometimes." CC apologizes and gives me a hug. I nod. He pulls away. I go over to sit on the couch, but before I can sit, Andy sits and pulls me into his lap. I turn and kiss him. Then someone clears their throat, We pull away to find our other three band members looking hella uncomfortable (Master, anyone?). I feel my face go red and bury it in Andy's neck, and inhale the scent of axe, raspberry shampoo, and faint cigarettes. (I googled want he smells like) The scent of him. I love it.

*Time Lapse: A few hours*

"Hey Ashie, I have to pee" I wake up to a blue eyed fallen (I had this written without fallen, but then the song came on) angel poking me telling me he has to pee. It slowly dawns on me that I'm sitting in his lap, meaning I have to get up. "Thanks love" he says and kisses me before running off to the bathroom.

"So, you and Andy are a thing now?" Jake says. I nod, not wanting to say anything without Andy. "That's cool. So, have you decided if you're joining the band? Ready to be a Fallen Angel?" I think for a minute, do I? I then decide, I nod. Saying yes, I am. Andy comes over, and looks down at me.

"I'm glad to hear it." He says. I get up to let him sit down, then sit on him again. By now It's late, and CC wants pizza. I agree, pizza is good. So Jake lets Jinxx call and order, then pulls him back into his lap. Dammit, I ship Janxx as hard as CC ships Andley. I get up without saying anything, an walk over. What do i do? I shove their faces together.


A/N- Three updates in a day!!! Anyway, love all my rainbow unicorns!! I might start using my laptop more, for the sole purpose of updating. I'm going to update Warped Tour later. Stay happy not crappy life's a bitch don't quit peace out rainbow unicorns! Byyyyyyeeeeee *wink*

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