chapter 1

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" Why not man?", my best friend Blake asked me.

" I don't know why i just don't", i replied for the tenth time today with a roll of my eyes.

" You don't know how-", he was then interrupted by Mike who was following Bill, who's in charge of the trucks sector.

" C'mon, I've been waiting a lifetime to take my girlfriend out on the date she deserves, but you know i had money problems. Now that things are getting better for me, i can't believe you aren't allowing me to enjoy it!" Mike exclaimed.

"Mike i'm sorry" Bill started, with a look of empathy in his eyes " but if you don't stay who will stay for the shifts in case of any emergency?".

" I will", i found myself saying. Mike, Bill and Blake stared at me with wide eyes and asked "You will?".

" Yeah, it's not like i have anything better to do so why not. Besides it doesn't affect me since i don't do holidays." i finished.

There was a pause before Mike rushed over to me. " Thank you so much sir, i owe you one." Mike exclaimed with an ear to ear grin.

Blake stared at me like a zombie that had just been raised from the dead. " Man I can't believe you were serious. Wait what about Derek's party?" he asked. " Eh. Im not interested." I started with a deadpan face," Besides I'll be working".

" But dude c'mon its Christmas! I know you want come to the party but you're denying it!" Blake yelled as I walked to my office " Working!" i yelled back. i walked back to my office and stared at it. As the fire chief of such many fire stations i deserved to have the office I had. The floors were decorated with a thick, lush carpet and i had white sofa beds all around and my desk was the size of a king sized bed. Even i had to admit it was big. I walked over to my desk, packed my stuff and decided to head home to my penthouse. i moved out of my parents when i was seventeen after i saw my dad rape my mother. I remember it like it was yesterday. My mum's cry for help. I never knew such a thing happened. The thought of it makes many memories flood into my brain. i got to the top floor and walked out of the elevator. I flicked on the light and headed straight for my room exhausted. i walked drunkenly over to my bed and literally fell on it.

" Welcome back baby", was what i was greeted by from a sexy voice. i turned to see Laura or whatever her name is, my weekly chic and gave her a grunt before sleep took over. Just as i was there i felt someone grab my jeans. The thing about me is i get mad especially when someone wakes me from my sleep. I grab her had and she gasps.

"Leave me alone or you'll be sleeping outside today", i said with a snarl. Before i drifted away.


I woke up early the next morning and saw what's her name lying fast asleep. i looked at her. She looked so peaceful. With that i knew that was my cue.

"wake up", I tapped her lightly but she wouldn't budge, so i rolled her over and she fell on the ground. A chuckle escaped my lips as she looked around her surroundings like a lost puppy. She then jumped off the ground and landed on me.

" Merry Christmas baby!" she exclaimed. i shrugged her off like she was a bug i just found on my shoulder. That and she has teeeible morning breath.

"I woke you up to say its time for you to go and your time has expired its been a week."

" Babe its been two", she said with a smug grin on her face. I can't help the sigh that escapes from my lips." Besides its Christmas stay in bed with me", she purred. At that moment she crawled towards me in a cat-like form and landed straight at my bare chest grasping onto it.

I hoisted her in the sky and dropped her like rubbish onto the bed.

" I know its Christmas and i'm going to work so i don't have to spend another minute with you. I can't believe i made you stay for two weeks. What the hell is wrong with me. You better be out when i step out of the shower", i said noticing pain written all-over her face but I didn't care. Not one bit.

i snarled at her and walked straight to the bathroom. I heard her moving around and finally released breath i didn't know i was holding. i stepped into the shower and let the hot water fall on my body, thinking of whom my next female victim would be. Probably starting from tonight.


Hey yall. So its me and this is my very first chapter to Fireman and i'm flipping excited. i hope you like it and continue reading.

I know the first chapter's very short but wait until the next chapter where secrets would be unfolded.

oh and don't forget to like... i mean vote and comment.

So how are you liking Jason's behavior?

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