Chapter 6

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Before the meeting, i had already made up my mind to forget about Jason and suck it up. I walked towards the conference room where Eric was already seated but Jason hadn't arrived. i gave him a warm smile and he returned it back. "Hey Kay, i was wondering if you'd like to go out with me this weekend?" Just as i was about to answer Jason walked in. He didn't even spare me a glance and started the meeting. After the meeting just when we were about to walk out i heard Eric say "Kay, you didn't give me an answer". "Oh, sorry Yes ill go out with you" i said but i didn't miss Jason's glare. "Great, ill pick you up at seven on Friday". i walked up to him and whispered seductively to him "I'll see you then" i walked out of the room but not forgetting to sway my hips as i stormed out with a smirk plastered on my face.

Jason's pov

I can't believe she said yes. And what was worse was the grin plastered on Eric's face. I was fuming. To make it worse she just swayed her hips before walking out making her ass pop out. "You excited about the date" i asked Eric. "Yh. Who wouldn't. She's a fine piece you know." he said with an ear to ear grin. "I wonder what she'll be like in bed though" he said with a grin."Don't you dare take advantage of her" i said through gritted teeth."Woah man chill. if i didn't know any better i'd say you like her but you're with Maya Ray" he said spitting out her name. Maya is a bitch let me put it to you to summarize."Yh yh, i'll see you later" and with that he was out. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if they do go out. How i would feel. but the thing is i should say that because i'm with Maya. How did i even end up with her? That's right her mother. Her mother told my father that the only way she'll accept debt that my father owned was if i went out with Maya. i slumped in my seat and sighed.

Mikayla's pov

i couldn't help but feel happy as to what i had done and i couldn't wait for my date with Eric. Just as i got into the elevator, a hand wrapped around my stomach bring me to a hard chest. "Jason let go off me" i said " I can't believe you're going out with him. Did what we shared not mean anything to you" i couldn't control my anger. I turned around and slapped him "says the guy who has a girlfriend" i spat. Jason brought his hand to his cheek and stared at me. Suddenly the elevator stopped. Jason was still staring at me. He walked towards me and pushed me against the elevator wall and started to kiss me. His kiss was dominating. i tried to release myself but as soon as i got a whiff of him, i was lost, gone. I surrendered to the kiss making Jason growl in my mouth. i was brought back to my senses and tried to rip myself free but he held on. "Jason please let go off me" i begged. He then slid a finger in my aching core and i tried again to set myself free and i ended up giving in.

I couldn't believe i had sex with him again. i sat on the elevator floor and cried. He just stood there watching me with regret in his eyes. "Mikayla" he called but i didn't mind him. he started to walk towards me." Don't you dare. I told you to stop Jason, i begged you to stop. You have a girlfriend. I told you to stop, i did" i cried. The elevator then started working and we got to the first floor. My legs were weak and i instantly fell down. i felt his touch but i shrugged him off and limped home.

3 week later 

My date with Eric went amazing. He took me to a festival. We got on almost all the rides and i found out that he owns more than half of the hotels in the city. He was so gentle with me and we scheduled another date. i had been ignoring Jason but that was hard since i worked for him. These past few days i had been feeling very sick so i went to the doctor and described my symptoms. She told me it was possible i could be pregnant and that i should take a test. It came out positive. I cried that night thinking of how i was going to tell Eric and Jason. 

The following day at work i called Jason to my office. Yes i called him. When he got there i threw papers at him "This is all your fault" i screamed. "What did i do" he asked confused. "I told you to leave me. I begged you and now i'm pregnant" i shrieked. His expression showed fear. "You're what?" he whispered. I replied by throwing a book hitting him in the gut. "This is all your fault" i screamed. "What would have happened if you left me alone. You had Maya for crying out loud" i said calmly but tears started to stream down my face."Have you considered aborting" he asked? i saw red up picked up sour files and threw them at him. "How could you even ask that. Abortion is not in the equation" i yelled."No i didn't mean it like that".  How on earth am i going to tell Eric". I start to cry again. He walks towards me and wraps his arms around me. I don't have it in me to fight him and i accept his embrace. Just as i calmed down we hear a shriek "OMG Jase what are you doing with her" we turn to see Maya standing at the doorway wearing hardly any clothing. We both groan but he still didn't let go. "Jase let go of that whore". It was then i lost it. "Who are you calling a whore" i ask.

"Babe, i wasn't doing anything. lets go. She's just my personal assistant. Nothing more" he tells her and her face lights up. They exit my office and i start to think. Is that all i really am to him.

Hey people. Thanks for reading. I have so much in store for them but im trying to make it not more than 36 chapters including the epilogue.




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