Chapter 12

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Jason's pov:
I walk up groggily to my penthouse thoroughly exhausted. I don't even know how Mike was able to stay awake to drive me to my penthouse. I offered to drive myself home but he said he owed me a favor. This was the most extreme fire we have ever encountered at the station. I take a hasty shower. I don't even put on pj's before i fall asleep. I wake up the next morning feeling pumped with energy. The memories of last night flooding through my brain. The fire was more than we anticipated. We really underestimated it. But thankfully we were able to put it out after an hour. I pick my phone from my trouser pocket on the floor and read the messages. I have messages from Ode and Blake and from... Mikayla. I open her message. She's just asking me to text her back when i head home. I type out a univerversal reply to all of them. I'm fine guys. I hear rustling and turn to see Maya waking up. She sits up in bed and takes one look at me and her eyes are heated. I've seen that look before. I roll over to her and give her a kiss before i slide my body downwards to give her want she wants. Don't get me wrong Maya is good in bed but there's something missing.

Thirty minutes later:
"Babe do you mind making breakfast?" i ask her. She turns to frown at me.
"But you always make breakfast. You know i don't know how to cook. Besides i just got my nails done." she tells me.
"Can't you make coffee or even toast" she shakes her head "the maid is here let her make breakfast for us." I sigh in defeat. "Can you tell her then?" i ask. She smiles and grabs her robe and hops off the bed. She wears her robe and walks to the kitchen.

I hear my phone chime while I'm at the station to see its a message from Kay. She's asking me to come over for dinner so we can talk. I was still pissed at her for the accusations she made. you may be thinking that I should blame Maya cause she was the one who said all this but I wont. Maya has issues of her own and she can't deal with confrontation. One time I got pissed at her and she blew up. Lets just say the trip to the emergency room  wasn't what i expected. I quickly typed a reply to Kay. "Sure but i'll bring Maya." I have to bring Maya. Ever since she got pregnant she has become more clingy 

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