Chapter 4

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Mikayla's pov

After we had finished eating i decided not to clear the plates and do a little bit of cleaning, because why shouldn't I? When i was done it was getting late, so I decided to leave.  I walked to Jason's room only to find it locked. I left my bra in there and it's my favorite one!I started yelling Jason's name but i got no response. I walked to his study and found a note on his desk


                  I had a great time last night and thank you for the meal.  Im really sorry of the way I took advantage of you but I can't face you. I'm sorry. You're the first person to make me feel like this. I'm soo grateful for what you've done but I can't bear to see the look on your face


"That bloody bastard. Fucking prick!".I felt my blood boil with anger and hatred. Hé didn't have the balls to apologize to me and make sure I was okay.And I cooked for him!!

The next morning i woke up and yesterday's events came flooding back. i groaned. i got out of bed and did my morning routine. I then dressed in a navy blue maxi dress and put my let my hair fall in waves to dry. i got the morning paper and saw an add for a job as a personal assistant though it didn't say for which company. I wasn't going to apply initially till my eyes landed on the salary. My mouth gaped open knowing i would be payed weekly. i had to get the job. I changed into a blue blouse and a black pencil skirt that showed of my hips and ass and got my black pumps. Sonce the interview was in an hour, i put on minimal makeup and got outside to hail a cab. When i arrived at the destination it was a tall building made out of glass. I looked at the signboard and saw it was a fire station.The name sounded familiar but i didn't know from where. Maybe just around. After all it is a fire station.

I got on the elevator to the twentieth floor and saw five other women who caked their faces in makeup and had their breasts literally falling out of their tops. i mentally scoffed. I signed in and waited till my turn. I got out my cheap tough screen phone and tried to occupy myself as much as possible. When i heard my name i walked into the interview room and met a man around my age. He had deep blue eyes and black hair that was neatly gelled back into a plait. He was handsome. i walked over to him and he motioned for me to sit down. He was looking down at his paper.
"What's your name?"
"Mikayla Anderson" i confidently said as we shook hands. He looked up from the paper and I noted that he was even cuter up close
"Ben Bright" he replied with a grin. i sat across from him as we started the interview. After some very long minutes he reviewed my resume and look at me before he broke into a full blown grin.

"Congratulations. Miss Anderson! you've got the job. Your resume is soo impressive and I liked the way you answered my questions". i couldn't believe what i was hearing. My palms were sweaty and my lips were dry. It took me a minute to fully analyze what he had said and that had me jumping for joy.

"Thank you sir" i tried to say as professional as possible. i got up and we shook hands. Before i left he told me i would be stationed at a fire station on North Bridge Road. I had never been there but from what i had been hearing from Bailey and others it has some pretty great reviews and it  was  HUGE!

I got home and told Bailey to come over because I wanted to say the good news in person. I told her the good news right when she got through the door and she was bouncing about all night. Either that or it was effects of the ice-cream and chicken pizza we had had. Having Bailey over is always a blast but she had to go home because she had an 8am shift. The next morning i woke up with a smile on my face. After i had gone about my morning routine,I walked over to my closet. I decided to wear a black pantsuit with a burgundy top and some red kitten heels. I put on light red lipstick on my full lips and put on some eyeliner. Next i spritzed on some perfume and had some breakfast. Finally i removed my phone from its charger and headed out the door.

When i got to my workplace the first thought that came into my head was damn. The place was huge and i mean HUGE! i felt so little there.It was way to big for a fire station and best of all there was a pole! i walked over to the reception but it was difficult to ignore the wolf whistles.

"Hello. My name is Mikayla, I'm the new personal assistant" i said in the most professional voice i had. The lady looked at me and smiled
"Miss Anderson,we were expecting you. I'll lead you to your office". We got into a private elevator to the thirtieth floor. When the elevator stopped i stopped in my tracks. I was speechless. The place was beautiful. There were two doors. One for the p.a and one for the fire Chief whom i was yet to meet. I unloaded my stuff onto the wooden well painted desk ad relaxed in my comfy leather seat and decided to take a nap when i was rudely interrupted.
"Miss Anderson please get to my office immediately" a rude voice snapped. i looked at the phone and realized the Fire chiefs button was red. I internally groaned and walked over to my boss's office. I knocked on the door and heard a come in. I walked to his office and he looked straight into my eyes. The silver-blue eyes i never wanted to see again...

sorry for the cliffhanger




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