Chapter 18

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I stare at Chris with wide eyes
"Chris, what are you doing here?"
"look it's chill just don't talk about it. Act cool. Blake invited me and I couldn't deny the offer. He'd think something is up"
"you are playing with fire, my man" I tell him as I walk in. I enter and give Ode a hug and Blake one too. We head over to the kitchen and I carefully unpack the cakes
"these look good girl"
"thank you, I try"
We smile at each other and talk about how she's doing at work
"so tell me. How are things with Jason?"
"we're okay"
"really? Just that? Cmon give me details. I wanna know everything"
"I mean we're good. He's good with the kids and we're friends and we're happy like this. So yeah we're okay"
"if you say so", but she gives me a look that says I totally don't believe you
Just then we hear Maya walk in with Blake. They enter the kitchen and we greet each other except for Maya who refused to acknowledge I was present. We avoided each other the entire say which I was happy about. When it was time to share the cake I get up and walk to the kitchen.

"Let me help you Kay" Ode says as she starts to get up.

"It's cool" I tell her.

"I'll help her" Jason gets up and walks to the kitchen and I follow him. We were silent for about a minute before he speaks up.

"I'm sorry about Maya's behaviour today" He says softly

"So you see it too" I tell him as I cut the cake

"Yeah. I do. I told her to be cool before we came, otherwise I wouldn't have brought her. She told me she was going to be cool Kay" I look up at him and I can see he genuinely means it.

I give him a small smile.  "Its okay. Im used to it" he frowned at the last part.

"Kay I-" he's cut off by Maya walking in. She looks at both of us  and  goes to Jason giving him an overexaggerated kiss.
She looked at me and gave a snarl

"Maya c'mon you said you'd be cool" Jason says with a frown
"I guess even rodents have to come out of their hiding spots I guess" she says to me
"you're one to talk looking at me  like a gopher with make up on" i tell her right  back. At that moment Ode and Blake walk in.
"you better watch your mouth little girl" she warns
"I'd rather look like a little girl than a baboon looking fucked gorilla" I get up from my seat.
Blake comes to stand in the middle of us
"I think we should have a time out" he says to both of us
"we don't need a time out. I'm done with her shit" she says to me
"my shit? You're the one who's been giving me crap but I held back but not anymore bitch! Come at me." She moves from here seat and walks towards me saying "I have had enough of this cunt. you're just lonely and pathetic" she screams the last syllable in my face.

"I'm pathetic? You're the washed up whore, who doesn't know how to keep her legs closed. You're just a desperate wannabe. Fuck you, fuck your dumb self. You think I'm lonely? I know to fend for my children! Let Jason cut off his money from you, we'll see who'll survive, you trailer park idiot in a wig, dog looking ass, 2 cent clothing, ape!" Everyone is shocked, even I am, I had no idea I could say that.

We ended up glaring at each other just as Chris walks in
"Woah OK. What did I miss"

At that moment, Mikayla slaps me and I see red. I give a shout and literally jump on her. I grab her hair and pull and use my other hand, which I'm made in a fist form to punch her. She punches me in the lower part of my stomach knowing it'll hurt. I let go of her hair but that isnt stopping me. I give her two back to back punches in her face, the first punch bloodies her lip and the second one breaks her nose, or I hope it does. Jason at that point grabs and lifts me and Blake does the same to Maya.


"Bitch I hope I broke it" She wretches free from Blake and I try to from Jason but the best I can do is one arm and half my body. Maya tries to swing at me, I swerve and punch her straight in the mouth and I am thoroughly satisfied when she spits out a tooth.
"this little bitch! How dare you take out your miserable life on me. That's what happenes when you can't keep your legs closed " she tells me
"I don't know how to keept legs closed? You're the one with Jason for his money when the baby isn't even his!"
At that moment there was complete silence. But I was too angry to realise that
"you've been giving me shit all day and I'm tired. You wanna get into my private life. Tell us on the presence of all of us who the father of your baby truly is"
At That moment Maya became silent. She paled
"go on"i coaxed
" i-i-i don't k-know whatyou mean"
"now you don't know how to talk?"
"Kay cmon thats enough" Ode tells me
"Chris" I say without breaking eye contact.
"tell everyone the truth"
"Mikayla don't do this" Chris says. I walk up to him
" Are you Maya's kids father or not?" I yell in his face. I know this gets to him so he'll talk. He looks at me. His jaw is hard

'Don't be shy. We're just friends here!"


I'm not! I'm Rosies father!"

The whole place becomes silent. We all turn to look at ode and she has tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry" she whispers.

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