Chapter 11

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two uploads in one day!!! i deserve a pat on the back

Mikayla's pov:
I stared at his back retreating as he walked back to the house leaving me standing there. Never have i felt so bad in my life. From the moment he gave me that blank stare i knew I had made a mistake in believing  Maya.

"That's a nice dress you have on" i heard a voice behind me. I spun around to see Maya staring at me with a disgusted look. I looked down at my dress, it wasn't ugly it was actually pretty nice. I was wearing a black simple cocktail dress to my mid-thigh which showed off my curves in the right areas. I looked at Maya who was wearing a maroon colored dress to her knees. It was plastered to her like a second skin and was cut at the edges showing of her tiny waist. I wasn't going to let her get to me.
"What do you want Maya?" I asked with a sigh.
"Oh nothing i just wanted to know why Jase decided to stay in touch with you considering all you've done to him." My ears perked up at that moment.
"And what exactly have i done to him?"
"You think i don't know you only got pregnant with him for money. So your kids would be spoiled and treated like Prince and Princesses. You're a whore do you know that? Jase is such a wonderful man that is mine and you just can't get that into your thick skull. What a shame that a perfectly good man wasted his time on a gold digging whore like yourself. I would be smart and stay away from Jason if i were you" she ended with a snarl. She walks up to me and is in my face when she says " Once we get married, I'm going to fight you for those kids, and when i win which would happen because i have the money, you don't. I have the lawyer, you don't. When i win, and those kids start school, I will ship them off to boarding school so Jason and I can focus on the beautiful children we'd make together. We already have one on the way. But don't worry i'll surprise Jason tonight after we have wild sex. In fact i'll do it today."  She left my room and i stood there thinking to myself why Jason would say those things about me as the tears started. These weren't tears off sadness or hurt. These were tears of anger when i think of her and Jason starting a family. But even more, her saying she'd take my kids.

I snapped out of my flashback. "Jason." i yelled. "Jason please it was a misunderstanding." He stopped and spun around glaring at me. I was shocked. I had never seen Jason so mad. He walked to me got in my face and said "the misunderstanding was letting myself fall in love with you after all we've been through." i stood there shocked. I thought i was the only one that was in love with him. But I was mad "You have got to be out of your mind!!!!! Why wouldn't I believe her? Or do you not remember what you said about me at the gala?"

"You mean the one you brought that guy too. Where even is her? isn't he supposed to be your protector?"

"'For your information, I don't need anyone to protect me and Eric moved to Greece with his girlfriend"

"I just cant believe why you'd believe Maya"

"Because she's going to be your wife? And why wouldn't I? You doubted the kids were yours. For all I know you're using this as an excuse to take them from me. " I walked until I was a centimetre away from him "I swear to God, I will fight for my kids with every fibre of my being. No matter who it is. Try me"

With that he left. I walked back to the house and quickly went up to my room, I washed my face to try to reduce the redness of my eyes. When it seemed presentable i walked downstairs with a smile plastered on my face. I got to the table and realized that Jason wasn't yet back. I sat in my chair and ate my food as i listened to Maya on how Jason was taking them to three different countries on their honeymoon. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Jason walks back at that moment and sits beside Maya.
"Jase bro are you okay?" Blake asks.
"Yeah. Just wanted a bit of fresh air but I'm cool." You could cut the tension at dinner with a knife. Maya decided to do the honours and talk on behalf of all of us. When we were all finished we all cleared the dining table and i picked up the desert. I decided to make tiramisu and chocolate brownies with a side of the wine that Jason and Maya brought. As we ate the dessert Maya stood up. "I have an announcement. I'm Pregnant!" she says excitedly. Everyone starts to congratulate her and Jason gives her a long kiss and i can't help but gag.

 We were standing in the living room when Jason got an emergency phone call about a store that set on fire and was setting other stores on fire. He quickly left in his car without Maya because Blake promised to drop her off at his penthouse. The jealousy within me escalates. I can't believe I was so stupid for believing her. 

"Kay are you okay? You looked flushed" I snap out of my thoughts to see Ode looking at me with a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I have to go, the nanny is probably waiting to go home" i get up and say goodbye to everyone. I drive home and pay the nanny. I walk to the twins bedroom and I stare at my angels asleep in their cribs. I kiss them both on their soft cheeks and walk out. 

I sit in front of the t.v and turn to the news. The only thing that they're talking about is ta fire.  i increase the volume of the report. "The fire has spread to three stores to it's right and one to its left. The firefighter are having a very hard time controlling the fire even with all hands on deck. It seems that the water is helping the fire rage on." Suddenly there was a loud bang.  The fire had literally destroyed the store from where the fire started. I see Jason and some of the crew members run to save their lives but go back to try and extinguish the roaring fire with both fire extinguishers and water. I quickly turn off the t.v. I put off the living room lights and walk to my bedroom. I change into my pajamas and lay in my bed. I grab my phone and text Jason "Please text me so i know you're okay." I say a prayer that Jason's and the other firefighters would be able to extinguish the fire before i eventually fall asleep.

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