Chapter 15

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Jason's point of view:
"C'mon you can do this, just a little bit more" I heard the doctor the Mikayla as she pushes our baby out. I put another ice chip in her mouth as she screams her head off. We've been here for over six hours.
"Aaaannd congratulations, you have given birth to a healthy baby boy! Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctor asks me. I walk over and cut it very carefully. Maya finally relaxes as the nurses clean our baby up the baby boy who is literally screaming. They hand him over to me and he calms down. I can't help but give him a peck. Tears form in my eyes at the sight of this baby. I look over to Maya and she is passed out. As I transferred the baby, I see blonde hair sticking out which is weird considering the fact that neither I nor Maya have blonde hair. Maybe it's her parents who have it? I give the baby to the nurse and kiss Mikayla's forehead as I step out of the hospital. I have to fix things with kay on everything that happened yesterday. It's already 9.a.m and the fire department would be fine without me for some few hours. I hop in my car and head over to Kays place. 

Kays pov:

the night before

I'm a mess
I literally don't know what to do to myself. I don't know if Jason will come over for us to talk or what? Being like this will get me nowhere. I just need to calm down and get some sleep. Yes. Sleep is good . Sleep is what I need. As I head off to bed, I go and check on the twins one last time before I finally go to sleep. As I lay on my bed my phone rings. I pick it us expecting it to be Jason but instead it's Chris.
"oh it's you" I say with a bored tone
"Mikayla..." Chris says and immediately I am alert. I sit up
"What happened?"I ask with a mother like tone, my back going straight as I become alert.
" Can you open the door? "
I nod my head thinking he can see me. I run to the door and toss it open. I gasp when I see Chris. He is a mess and he walks in. His hair is all over the place, his shirt is missing two buttons and I can smell alcohol on his breath. Chris and I have known each other for years and the Chris I know would never be caught in this state. We've known each other for years and he's even a mutual friend of both I and Jason.
" what's wrong? " I ask for the millionth time.
"I'm in some deep shit Kay. I'm fucked"
He drops his head in his arms and I gently rub his back
" you know that girl I've been seeing?"
"you mean mystery girl? The one to which you refuse to tell me her name?"
"yeah. Kay, the reason why she's a mystery is because she has a boyfriend. But I'm so in love with her I couldn't resist"
"I don't like where this is going Christopher" I say, narrowing my eyes at him.
He looks at me dead in the eye and he is silent for years.
"I got her pregnant"
My eyes become the size of two saucers
"WHAT?! oh Christopher. How could you let this happen?"
"I know. I know" he wails
"well how many weeks is she? Does her boyfriend know? Is she going to break up with him?" I have a million and one questions in my head right now.
"I don't know. I.. Im.. What do I do?"
" don't worry, we'll figure something out." Even i don't believe that. Because this is a lot.
I give him a hug and just comfort him.
"You can sleep on the couch. You're not in any state to go back home"
He looks at me and nods his head. I walk to my wardrobe and pick out a pillow and I duvet and hand them over to him
"Thanks Kay, you're a good friend." I give him a small smile and head over to my bed. I tossed and turned for a majority of the night but then sleep found me.
The next morning I wake up and he's gone. No goodbye no note no nothing. Just my duvet arranged on my couch with the pillow beside it. I check in on the twins as I take the duvet back to my room and they are fast asleep. I make myself a cup of coffee just as the doorbell rings. I open it and find Jason standing outside
I motion for him to come in and he sits on the couch. We sit in silence for a long time before he breaks it
" I don't even know ow what to say" he says on a sigh
"neither do I Jason"
" what are we going to do?"
"I'm as clueless as you are right now"
He drops his face into his palms and turns to stare at me.
«"it's gotten into such a big mess."
"I know. We'll figure something out" I feel like I'm having the same conversation with Chris again and I don't know what to do."
"I think it's best we have this conversation another time" I suggest
He nods in agreement "yeah. My head is all over the place right now. I don't have a single straight thought." Jason stays for breakfast and plays with the twins a little and he leaves with both of us having unanswered questions.

This is it
Hope you enjoyed it 😘 

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