Chapter 5

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"Jason" i said breathlessly as i held his gaze. His head snapped up from the work he was doing. He saw me and his face instantly paled.
"Kay" he replied. It was then that i snapped out of my emotional filled frenzy. "Its Mikayla" i said with a somewhat rude tone. His eyes turned from shocked to cold in one second. "What do you want?" he asked coldly. "You called for me didn't you"."No i called for my person-". Understanding flushed through his eyes. "There is no way you are working for me" he said coldly. "Why?" i asked.

"Kay, I've had you in my bed. i know what you taste like and sound like and i do not sleep with my workers" he replied coolly. " Does it count as sleeping with your workers when you practically drugged me and took me to your bed?" i asked.
I saw him flinch and his jaw became hard. He broke eye contact and looked outside the window.
"Now sir, I'll repeat. Do you need anything?" I asked with soo much attitude, I didn't even know I had on me
"No" he said, in such a gentle tone.
"Then I'll be leaving then" I said. I turned on my heel
"I really am sorry about what happened." He said.
"I want you to forgive me." He continued.
"I have forgiven you. But I don't thing I can forget".
"But then I don't want you working for me. It'll complicate things" he said. I started to get angry. He was seriously pushing me past my limits. "Listen very carefully Jason. I need this job. Here you are my boss and i am your personal assistant. That is it. I am staying and there is nothing  you can do to change my mind." i ended with a growl. His face changed form regretful to shocked and finally ended with a plain expression. He got out of his chair and walked towards me. He dipped his head down and stared deeply into my eyes. His silver-grey to my brown. His lips were only a centimeter away and i was to move we would kiss. He leaned forward making our lips brush and moved over to my ear and said "then you better get to work then" before he nipped seductively on my ear lobe knowing my weak spot making me shiver. He looked at my face again and smirked before walking to his desk. i stomped out of his office and back to mine.

The day went by slowly and before i realized it was time to go home. I got home and took a warm relaxing bath and got in my pj's and went to sleep. The next morning i got to work ten minutes early and decided to finish up what i couldn't the previous day. When i was done i got a text from Jason saying he would be running late and that he would be expecting a visitor. I waited until i got called to the reception that Mr. Sanders had arrived. I decided to bring him to my office to wait, so i told the receptionist to let him in. He entered and i looked at his face. He was one handsome man. He had soulful green eyes and blond hair that flopped sexily on his face. He was in a well-tailored suit and had tan skin.

"Hello. i'm Eric Sanders" he said with a thick English accent. i sat there with my mouth gaped open. It was when he smiled and i saw his dimples that brought me out of my fantasy. "I'm sorry Mr. Sanders, I'm Mikayla Anderson. Please have a seat." "Please call me Eric". We then started chatting about everything and anything. He was an easy going man. It felt like i had known him for ages and not thirty minutes. He made me laugh a lot which was something i rarely do. He asked me out and right when i was about to answer Jason burst through. "I'm so sorry Eric, i was caught up somewhere" Jason said as he walked through. "It's no problem Kay here has been keeping me company" he said with amusement in his eyes. I saw something flash in Jason's eyes but i couldn't pin point it. The men left my office while i got to work.

As i was about to go home Jason stopped me and told me we were going out for dinner. We had an amazing time at a cozy sea-food restaurant. When he dropped me off in his jaguar he walked me to my door.  As i was about to enter my house he spun me around and pressed his lips to mine. And all i could say was wow. Jason's kiss was demanding and dominating. Our lips moved in sync which each other and i could feel the wetness between my legs. His hand run down my hips to my ass and he hoisted me up never breaking contact from our kiss. It was later that i realized we had entered the house and he laid me on the sofa. All i can say was in the morning i was going to sore as hell.

The next day i woke up to find Jason gone. He took care of me last night. It was amazing. Best sex i ever had. I wondered if he felt the same way. I got dressed and headed to work. After an hour Jason called me to his office. When i got there i was greeted with coldness. He then told me to make reservations for him at a fine restaurant at seven. I wondered whether it will be me he'll take out. After work i realized Jason was long gone to get ready for his date which sadly wasn't me. i got home, took a bath and went to sleep. The next morning at work, Jason was on every magazine together with Maya Ray, a supermodel. The magazine basically talked about how in love they looked and how happy they were together. The article ended with a picture of them kissing. To say i was heartbroken was an understatement. To think we had had sex the night before. I pushed my emotions aside and decided to get ready for the meeting we had with Mr. Sanders later that day

Hey guys, hope you like the story so far. i have so much in store for this book.




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