Chapter 3

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she looked at my face expecting a reaction, so i gave her one. I burst out laughing. She furrowed her eyebrows "You should be happy. I'm pregnant!" she exclaimed and that even made me laugh more. When i got my laughter into a chuckle i looked at her glaring at me.
"I'm going to be a father?" i asked her with an amused chuckle.
"Yes" she snapped.

"Miranda tell me how many times we slept together? and did you forget you were cheating on me with Greg the whole time? That baby is surely not mine, because anytime we had sex i would wear a condom."

"Condoms aren't always a effective" she retorted.
"I know that but i do also know you were on contraceptives" i said with a smirk

"How do you know i took them" she said with an evil grin

I returned that evil grin and said" After you go to sleep, i always check your bag" i got up after seeing her slapped face reaction and told Blake i was going home. I got home to my penthouse and passed out in the living room

Mikayla's pov

I sat on my bed thinking of what i was going to do. Its been a month since i got fired and my boyfriend Greg broke up with me. It was soo out of the blue and jus excuse was that we both want more than we have. I thought he was happy.I sat thinking on my bed how sad my life was. The door suddenly burst open and my friend Bailey walked through

" How did you even get in here?" i exclaimed shocked

" Through the back door" she said with a duh face
I really should start locking that back door, i thought to myself. " Anyway you know Jason, the owner of the fire stations and other companies. He was on the cover of vogue!" she exclaimed with a squeal.

"OMG you've got to be kidding" i also squealed. But the difference between hers and mine is that mine is fake. Jason didn't appeal to my senses. He seemed off to me and i know of his many flings so i wouldn't even waste my time on him. He's just too arrogant for my liking.

I got off my bed and headed to my awesome kitchen. It wasn't much but it was perfect for me and i loved to cook. i was exceptionally good at it.

"We should head out to a club to have fun" Bailey yelled from my room.

"I'm good" i yelled back knowing eventually she would wear me down and i would have to go with her.

"You are going, even if i have to drag you by your freakishly long red hair" Bailey demanded. I couldn't argue with Bailey so i just ended the conversation with her right there. I decided to have a nap to pass time and before i realized Bailey was waking me up telling me to get ready. I walked over to my bathroom and took a shower with my vanilla scented soap and washed my hair with my vanilla scented shampoo. I got out of the shower and looked through my closet to find out what to wear. i then remembered i bought a new dress and let it lie on my bed. I curled my hair in loose curls and let it fall on my back and i did as minimal makeup as possible. I walked over to the dress and put it on. It was short and reached my mid-thigh. It was cut at the sides showing off my figure and did no justice to my ass. It had a plunging neckline making my breast protrude.

I walked out of my room and saw Bailey in a red short dress. She looked over at me and her eyes went wide.
"Damn Kay, you look smoking hot" she said and ended it with wolf whistle. I burst out laughing. We got in her car because i didn't have one and drove over to the club. We walked inside and i headed to the bar. i got rainbow shots for i and Bailey and before i realized i was feeling slightly tipsy. I made my way over to the dance floor and danced with Bailey.

Jason's pov:

i couldn't believe i allowed Jake to bring me to a club again. I just sat in the vip section and watched as girls danced. But there was this one that caught my attention. She had very long hair and was dancing with her friend facing me. As she bent down i got a clear sight of cleavage. But what did it for me was when she spun and i got a view of her ass. i got up and walked towards her. I couldn't let her go tonight. She was slightly tipsy so that gave me an advantage. As i was walking to her she headed over to the bar.

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