Chapter 9

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Mikayla's pov:

"Who else did you think they were for?" i asked raising my eyebrows
"No i just- never mind"
"You can leave now I'm sure your wife is waiting for you"
"Don't be like that. Besides she's going to be their stepmother very soon" he said looking at JJ in the eyes.
"If you think I'm going to allow that woman near my kids, you've got another thing coming" i said. At that moment JJ yawned. I took him from Jason and gently placed him in his bed. He yawned one last time before drifting off to sleep.
"Jason please leave i have to rest." i told him quietly
"Can i pass by tomorrow?" he asked. I stared at him for a moment before making a decision.

"Yeah, be here by two because I'm helping Ode with the wedding so we'll be out" i told him as he walked out. Just as I was about to shut the door he stopped me.
"At least tell me their names" he said softly. I sighed softly before saying "Alexis and JJ"
"What does JJ mean?"
"Jason Junior" i said in a whisper. I saw his face flash with emotion before i shut the door. I leaned on the door and let out a huge sigh before slumping to the ground. I got up and wore my night gown and drifted off to sleep.
The next afternoon, at exactly two pm Jason was standing outside my apartment wearing bright white shorts and a black shirt. He looked at me with his piercing gaze before moving towards me. "Hello kay" he said as he engulfed me in a hug and I couldn't help but inhale his scent. He smelled fresh like man. I motioned for him to come in and that was the first time he actually took in my apartment. My walls were a very pale blue colour and I had white sofas but I had to turn it in to get a grey one instead because my kids are very messy. On my TV stand I have a TV and behind it on the wall is a blow up picture of the twins when they were born with their scrunched up faces in hats.
"Ode would be here in about an hour from now. Is there anything you need?" I asked, my tone surprisingly calm.
"No I'm good. Look kay-" at that moment we were interrupted by Alexis' scream that is quickly followed by that of Jason's. It looks like the twins have woken up from their nap. I walked over to their room as Jason follows me. I pick up JJ but as I get closer to Alexis she screams louder and thrashes her hands around. I don't understand what is wrong with her. She motions for Jason as he steps closer behind me and picks her up. She immediately stops crying and starts to stifle with her face buried in his neck.
"I can't believe I missed the birth of these angels" he says, his voice rough.
"You can still spend time with them" i calmly tell him.
"I hope so" he sighs. "The firestation is opening another branch and I'm going to be busier than ever. Or that's the plan." I watch him as he cradles his daughter in his arms. He senses me watching him and looks at me. Memories flash back onto my brain and I miss him more than ever. I just need a taste.......... one more even though I know it's wrong I start to lean in closing my eyes and hoping that I'm not making a mistake.
Hey guys I'm back. I know you guys are probably pissed at me and I'm sorry. I have no excuse and I'm sorry but I am going to be posting daily.


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