Chapter 9

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I cried all day in my room. I just cant believe he would do that.

Knock knock

I heard someone knock on the door. I cleared my throat and wiped my face as good as i could making sure nobody would know.

"Come in".

The door opened and my dad and mom walked in.

"Mom!! Dad!!! What are you doing here"?

My mom came over and sat on my bed.

"Sweetie we have been calling you all day. Your phone kept sending us to voicemail so we were worried and drove up here". My mom said.

"You okay Jules".

I nodded. "Yes im okay. Umm my phone must have died".

My mom grabbed my chin and looked around my face. "Why were you crying"?

"I wasnt".

She looked at me and just stared. You know that look your mom gives you when she knows you are lying so she waits for you to tell the truth. Thats the look she is giving me right now.

"Jules what happened"? My dad said and sat on the other side of me.

"I saw Adam today. And he just said awful things to me".

"Adam your ex"? My dad said.


"What did he say"? My mom asked concerned.

"He said im a slut and hopes my 'devil child' dies".

My dad stood up and started pacing back and forth in my room. Meaning he is not happy.

"He said that to you". My mom said.

I started crying again.

She held on to me rubbing my back shushing me saying it will be okay.

"Im going to kill him". My dad said.

"No ill get your brother to beat his ass". My dad said 

"But but thats not the worst part".

"What is sweety"?

"Aaron and Adam are step brothers".

My dad stopped pacing and looked at my mom. They were quiet.

"Did you hear me"?

"Honey, your father and i knew that. But we thought Adam told you".

I got up away from my mom. "Why does everyone think i know this. I didnt know".

"I believe you didnt know. Because you slept with that jerk and you love Adam you wouldnt sleep with his step brother on purpose". My dad said.

"Loved. After he said that about my kid i dont want anything to do with him".

"And maybe you should see Aaron".

I gasped. Maybe he knew about this and wanted to get Adam or something.

"I got to go". 

I grabbed my phone.

"I thought you said if wasnt charged".

I smiled innocently. "Umm i kinda lied. I turned it off. I will see you guys on Sunday".

I walked out of my dorm room and turned on my phone. Once my phone turned on i called Aaron as i walked outside.

After two rings he answered.

"You okay Juliette"?

"I need to talk to you. Are you out of class"?

"Yeah im actually in the gym shooting basketballs".

"Okay i will be there then".

I hung up and walked to the gym. I believe its in the smaller building closer to the street. I walked into the gym and there he was shooting hoops with some other guys.

He saw me and smiled and walked over to me.

"Hey whats going on".

"Did you know"? Was all i asked.

"Did i know what"? He was confused.

"About Adam and I. Did you know he was my ex".

"No i found out the same day you told me you were pregnant. I never knew that you and Adam were together before i swear".

"Yeah right. Im always on the cover of magazines and tv".

"Yeah i know that but you arent with him. You are always with your family. Trust me i would never sleep with my step brothers exs on purpose".

I sighed and started to cry. 

"Hey dont cry".

"I cant help it. Adam yelled at me and called me a hoe and the wished my child death and".

"Wait what"? He cut me off.

"What do you mean he called you a hoe and wished OUR  child death".

"He he was mad that we slept together thinking i knew you two were step brothers and he yelled at me and then said all that to me. And then stormed out".

Aaron laughed and shook his head. "He wouldnt do that".

I pinched his arm. "Yes he did. I wouldnt make that up".

His laughing stopped and he looked angry.

"Oh im going to beat  his ass".

"Thats what my parents said". 

He sat against the wall trying to calm himself down. He looked up at me. "Where is he"?

"On his way back to school". I sat beside him.

"Just know Juliette i will always be there for you and the second i see him im beating the shit out of him for wishing that on our child".

I laid my head on his shoulder but then picked my head back up. "Eww you are sweaty and you stink".

He chuckled. "Well i have been at the gym playing basketball".

Eight months i just cant wait until this baby comes. I hope its a girl.









I know its short but i hope you guys enjoyed it.


And also check out my new story Vacation Surprise. Its new and different.

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