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The two predacons soared through the air together, tracking down the escaped autobot. Predaking glided through the air with giant orange wings, looking at the ground through narrowed yellow optics. Adeline tore her eyes away from him and did the same. Her bright red optics looking for any sign of an autobot. Her blinding purple wings beat in the air, her second pair flapping in sync under them.

When we find him we kill him first, then focus on his friends, Predaking said.

I agree, Adeline replied. She continued to scan the ground looking for the bots, she could sense they were close. Suddenly, two big shapes, one green and one white could be seen on the ground, huddled behind some rocks in front of a decepticon energon mine. There! She hissed excitedly. They dove down to the ground in synchronization, landing in front of the autobots and screeching. Adeline opened her mouth, the top and bottom separating into halves to create four different parts. A purple fire blasted out, aiming for the white bot. He leaped out of the way, blasters aimed at her. The green bot transformed into a car speeding out of the way. Adeline roared blasting her purple fire at him again. The bot let out a battle cry, shooting at Predaking and Adeline.

     Fools, Predaking growled, leaping in front of her and grabbing the white bot in his jaws throwing him against a rock, stunning him. Predaking advanced on him, Adeline not far behind. She watched as Predaking screeched, raising his head and started to charge up a fire bolt when the green bot knocked him out of the way with his wrecking ball. Predaking hissed in frustration blasting fire at him, the green bot tumbled to the ground, flames licking weakly at his metal hide.

A small figure ran towards him, "Bulkhead!" She yelled.

They have a human pet with them, Predaking sneered, lets burn it to a crisp as well.

Hold on Predaking, where is the white bot? Adeline growled, looking around cautiously. Irritation filled her body as the autobot was no where to be seen.

"Looking for me beast?" Adeline and Predaking swung their heads around to see the white bot standing with a smirk on his face. A rapid beeping sounded from beneath them, the predacons looking down to see grenades both at their feet. The white autobot smiled, clicking a button and causing the grenades to blow up, not even scratching Adeline. She screeched, taking a couple of threatening steps towards him.

The green bot yelled something to his companion, him yelling in return transforming and speeding into the mine.

Predaking chuckled evilly, hahaha, look at him run. Let's get him! Adeline snickered in agreement, charging after him. They rampaged through the mine, roaring and clawing at the rock walls so they could fit through. The white, green, and red race car suddenly sped under their feet and out of the mine.

     Adeline turned around, screeching and trying to get out to continue her chase. She screeched in frustration blasting the walls with her fire while Predaking crushed them with his tail. Adeline stopped suddenly, hearing a familiar rapid beeping sound. She looked in panic to see grenades lining the wall everywhere, beeping and flashing rapidly. She turned to her companion, seeing that he was too involved in breaking away a path to notice the threat.
     Predaking! Before the brown and orange predacon could react, the mine bursted up into blue flames, embers flying everywhere. Adeline coughed as dust and rubble clogged her senses. Predaking! She yelled telepathically. She opened her red optics despite the burning from the dust and bursted through the rubble, spreading her wings and roaring, Predaking was not far behind, relief filling her slightly as she saw he was ok. The autobots looked at them in disbelief, panic clear in their optics. She roared and took flight, charging towards them, a blast to her chest stopped her in her tracks, spiraling off course. Adeline snarled, looking up to see a giant ship fly past her, shooting Predaking as well. She roared, anger and frustration exploding from inside her. She flew towards the bots, seeing them trying to get into the ship. She shot at the autobots, screeching and beating her wings as fast as she could. They jumped on the platform shooting back at her. She dodged the shots swiftly, screeching and parting her jaws, only to hit her face against the hard side of the ship. She tumbled to the ground, rolling on the dirt path and erupting clouds of dust, her metal hide screeched across the ground as she skidded across and halted to a stop, shaking her head and looking up. Predaking flew above her following the ship, looking back briefly to her. I'm fine, don't loose the ship!

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