Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to upload for like the past 3 weeks, school has been taking up all my time since it just started and I haven't had much time to work on this book. But I just wanted to take this time to explain the schedule of these uploads. I originally planned on uploading 1 chapter every Saturday, but that was during summer, when I had loads and loads of time to write. Now, I will be uploading as soon as I get a chapter finished. There will be no certain day, and one chapter could take up to 3 weeks before uploaded, it just depends on what's going on at that time. But thank you all for being so patient with me! I'm already almost done with chapter 8, so I'll be posting that one soon! Bye and enjoy!! :)
-------------------------------------------------------Adeline had recharged for most of the night after her close encounter with Bumblebee, the rest filling her with fresh energy. The base was buzzing with action, Bulkhead and Wheeljack lobbing a giant metal ball at each other while the human children played "video games" as she learned they were on the TV. Optimus was talking to Arcee quietly, her face filled with anger.
Adeline strained her audio sensors, hoping to snag a piece of there conversation, "...she's dangerous..." was all she heard and instantly knew it was about her. Adeline rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Bulkhead and Wheeljack's game, the two expertly catching the metal ball in their giant hands before throwing it back to each other.
"Woo! Good catch Bulk!" The human girl named Miko cheered.
Bulkhead then threw the ball back at Wheeljack, the wrecker missing it by a hair and it pounding a dent right beside Adeline's head before tumbling to the ground with a loud clang.
"Watch it!" She hissed.
"Sorry, my audio sensors tune out 'beast,'" he replied crossly, picking up the ball.
"Wheeljack. This is no longer our prisoner, she is our guest. Common respect is to be used when speaking to her," Optimus said, walking over. Adeline saw Arcee standing a distance away, watching with fire burning in her optics.
"What?" He, Bulkhead, and Miko said in unison. Adeline was equally confused, was this the "training" Bee had talked about?
"She is to be trained to become one of us," he replied.
Yup, her assumption had been correct.
"Optimus, you can't be serious!" Wheeljack exclaimed.
"That's what I said," Arcee muttered from behind him, her hands on her hips crossly.
"Adeline, Bumblebee has told me of you and his conversations, I believe you have the potential to change, to be set on the right path," Optimus said.
Adeline felt her blood run cold, looking around wearily, she felt the optics of all the bots burning into her. She didn't really want Prime or anyone for a matter of fact to ever hear about their conversations. Thoughts raced through her head, should she take the opportunity? Did she want the opportunity? Her home was still on the Nemisis with Lord Megatron, Shockwave, and Predaking; who she longed to be beside again. "You do?"
"Yes. You may believe you are a decepticon now, but deep down you are an autobot. Me and Bumblebee know it in our sparks."
She had heard Bee say this to her so much now she was starting to believe it herself somehow. "And what would training get me?"
"A place among us. To become a member of Team Prime," Bumblebee said as he walked forward.
"Sir, are you sure this is the best choice? We still do not know if she can be trusted," Ultra Magnus exclaimed nervously. Adeline knew that he was fully aware of her hatred for him.

Blue Blood
FanfictionAfter blasting the autobot's base to ashes after Optimus Prime destroyed the Omega Lock, their only way of ever returning home, Megatron gets some news delivered to him at Darkmount that Shockwave, the decepticon's most respected mad scientist picks...