Bumblebee sped away form the wreckage as fast as possible, his tires flying smoothly over the dusty terrain. Arcee, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Ultra Magnus were right beside him and Optimus flew above them with his jet pack, turning to look back at the crumbled fortress briefly. Bumblee felt excitement course through him, they had just gotten back Optimus and kicked the tail-pipes of those mangy decepticons! Megatron no longer posed a threat to humanity... for now. But that was to worry about for a later time. A white and blue race car sped towards them, transforming and revealing it to be Smokescreen.
He crossed his arms, eyeing each of them angrily as they all transformed, "hope you guys didn't have too much fun without me," he pouted.
Arcee turned to Optimus with wide optics, ignoring the young bot, "how are you alive? What happened? Where'd you score the upgrade?"
Bumblebee's mind burned with the same questions and he looked at Optimus, waiting for an answer. Optimus turned to his team opening his mouth to answer when an ear-splitting shriek interrupted him. It called out in distress over and over again, it's call getting weaker each time.
"What in the name of the Allspark is that?" Smokescreen asked, turning his helm towards the source of the sound.
"The predacon," Ultra Magnus replied, a scowl creeping onto his face. "Optimus allow us to put it out of it's misery."
Optimus put a hand up, "we will investigate."
He flew towards the sound, the rest of the team transforming and following him. Smokescreen got their first, staring to remove rubble from the source of the noise. The predacon's screeching started getting loud again, the rubble moving slightly as it tried to escape. All of Team Prime helped to remove the chunks of rocks and metal, slowly exposing the predacon as expected. It was a dark grey with purple markings, her red eyes looking at them in fear and hostility. Bumblebee drew his attention to her left leg, it was coated in energon and impaled with a large chunk of metal, trapping her in her place. He cringed as she desperately tried to move it to escape, only causing more of the blue fluid to come pouring out onto the ground and add to the ever-growing puddle.
"Let's finish this ugly thing off," Wheeljack said, unsheathing his katanas.
"No, I do not condone killing of any helpless being, predacon or not," Optimus commanded.
"Sir, I don't think it would be in our favor to allow the beast to live if it somehow managed to escape," Ultra Magnus replied.
"Then we are taking a prisoner back with us," he concluded.
"Did you loose a brain gasket on your way here, we don't even have a base!" Wheeljack exclaimed, putting his swords away reluctantly.
Fowler chimed in over the comm link, hearing their whole conversation, "I think I can help with that."
The autobots brought the predacon back to their new base, chaining her by all fours and her neck to the floor and wrapping her wound. They had clamped her wings and her mouth shut, making sure she didn't burn them or fly away. It was nearly impossible to get her leg off of the metal piece, the beast screeching in pain everytime they tried to rip it out of her. They finally got it out with Ultra Magnus holding her down and the rest of the bots successfully pulling the metal out. Bumblebee remembered the endless flow of energon coming out of the wound as soon as they removed the metal and the ear-splitting shriek of the predacon."Woah, the last time I saw her was when she was trying to eat us," Miko said, staring at the beast in awe.
"So tell me Optimus, what exactly is your plan for keeping this creature around?" Ratchet said, anger edging his voice as he spoke.

Blue Blood
FanfictionAfter blasting the autobot's base to ashes after Optimus Prime destroyed the Omega Lock, their only way of ever returning home, Megatron gets some news delivered to him at Darkmount that Shockwave, the decepticon's most respected mad scientist picks...