"Who's this guy?" Those were last words Adeline heard before the chaos, before the explosion. Before the massacre of her siblings. She picked herself up from the pile of rocks like a beaten rag-doll, there's been way too many caves today for my taste.
Adeline looked in horror as she saw the lab up in flames, fear and shock rooting her to her spot. She couldn't make out any predacons as the orange inferno consumed all that was of her kin.
"What have you done to my brethren?!" It was Predaking. She saw Ultra Magnus' and Wheeljack's terrified faces as they stood defensively in front of the predacon. His yellow optics burned with rage as his mouth twisted into a furious snarl, "what have you done?!" He gave a thundering battle cry, running towards the autobots as they shot at him with no prevail. He lept, landing in between the two bots which sent them flying to opposite sides of the cave. They both landed on gracefully as Predaking ran towards Ultra Magnus, grabbing by the leg and throwing him onto the ceiling. He collided with the hard surface, tumbling to the ground and landing with a giant crash. Adeline winced as he groaned in pain but didn't get up. She whipped around to see Wheeljack and Predaking dueling it out, Wheeljack suffering the same fate as Magnus as he crashed into the ceiling and flopped back to the ground limply.
But Wheeljack got up, "let's dance," he growled putting on his mouth guard. Predaking roared, thundering towards him in pure rage, but Wheeljack was much quicker; always one step in front of the predacon. A sharp pain in Adeline's side interrupted her spectating of the scene. She whipped around and was face to face with Ultra Magnus, his blaster smoking. She growled, sending out a stream of fire in his direction. But he leapt out, smashing Adeline across her face with his hammer. She squealed in pain as the blow sent her flying across the clearing. Adeline roared, running towards him and snatching him up in her jaws. She crushed down on his body, earning a yelp of pain out of him. She smiled in satisfaction and threw him across the clearing. He crashed into a boulder and it crumbled on top of him, burying him in rock. She stalked towards the rocks, growling softly as she scanned them for his form. A crunch of metal against rock made her turn around as Predaking finally caught Wheeljack and smashed him into the side of the cave. The giant sharp rocks overhanging them shook dangerously as the impact of his body against the wall shook the cave. The rocks behind Adeline clattered to the floor as Ultra Magnus stood up, jumping onto Adeline's back and holding on tightly. She screeched in anger, twisting her neck around to try to reach her back, but she couldn't get the autobot off. Adeline roared, running towards a wall and smashing her backside against it to shake off Ultra Magnus. He grunted in pain, collapsing to the floor. Adeline snarled in satisfaction, looking to see Wheeljack kicking Predaking and sending him flying into the wall. Predaking screamed in anger, grabbing Wheeljack by the leg and smashing him into the ground, punching him over and over. But it was short lived when Ultra Magnus flew into Predaking and smashed his hammer into his side. He flew into a boulder, but got up shortly and charged towards the two autobots. They charged back, Wheeljack throwing his katanas at Predaking, but he blocked them with his arm. Wheeljack had more gadgets though, wrapping an electric whip around Ultra Magnus' hammer. Predaking didn't notice, blinded by the burning rage in his system.
Adeline screeched a warning hoping to catch his attention, but it was no use as he tripped over their trap, tumbling to the ground. Adeline lept in front of Predaking as the two autobots charged again. Wheeljack was propelled into the air by Ultra Magnus, swiftly landing on the ground next to Adeline and wrapping his whip around her neck. She screeched, thrashing wildly as he threw her into the ceiling. She landed on top of Predaking, the cave ceiling falling down on top of them with her. She pushed her way to the top only to see a giant pointed rock falling down on top of them; shot down by the autobots to bury them. She squeezed her eyes shut, ready for the rock to impale her, but only heard the grunt of Predaking. She opened her optics to see him carrying the rock, yelling and charging towards Wheeljack. He crushed the smaller bot into the side of the cave. The point rock crumbled onto the floor, revealing his limp form. Ultra Magnus laid on the floor, knocked over by the impact and trying to reach for his hammer. Predaking hissed, leaping on top of his hand and smashing it into the ground. Ultra Magnus yelled out in pain as he kept digging his clawed foot into it. Adeline winced as Predaking finally let up, revealing the smashed hand. Ultra Magnus rolled over, clutching his hand as he groaned in pain.

Blue Blood
FanfictionAfter blasting the autobot's base to ashes after Optimus Prime destroyed the Omega Lock, their only way of ever returning home, Megatron gets some news delivered to him at Darkmount that Shockwave, the decepticon's most respected mad scientist picks...