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"Adeline, so nice to see you have returned," Megatron smiled as he walked up in front of her, his giant figure casting a shadow over her small, lithe one.

She stood up, "I tried to come sooner my Lord, but things got a little hectic."

"Did you find the location of the autobot base?"

She froze, her body tensing up. She didn't want to give up the location, he would kill all the autobots, and Bumblebee... But she was a decepticon, her loyalty should only be to Lord Megatron. Frustration filled her up, why was she so torn?! "No," she said finally, trying hard not to show the deceit in her eyes.

He lifted an eyebrow suspiciously but didn't say anything else. "Shockwave, show me the progress of the predacon clones," he said, following the one-eyed bot to the back of the cave, Starscream and Knockout following obediently.

Adeline walked over to Predaking as the deceptions organized themselves, "I'm glad you're ok partner," she said happily, giving a small smile.

He turned around, "it is Predaking to you breeder," he hissed coldly, his yellow optics boring into her.

"What?" Adeline replied, hurt and shocked. She had gotten into all that trouble, spent all that time worried about Predaking and if he was ok, and this was the thanks she got?!

"I am your king, and you will kneel before me," suddenly turning very hostile towards her.

She was shocked, how could her lord let this happen? Adeline looked hopefully over at Megatron, seeing him watching them. She searched his cold, red optics, hoping he would say something like, "no I'm her master," or anything that would stop this, but he didn't. He only stared at her blankly as if telling her to submit.

"Kneel," Predaking commanded warningly, stomping his foot against the ground. "Before I resort to force."

      She stood her ground, rage burning in her optics. "Never, I only serve Lord Megatron."

      He growled in frustration and anger, unsheathing his claws and swiping her across the face, sending Adeline reeling to the other side of the cave. She put a hand to her cheek, blue energon dripping off her claws. Adeline looked up to see Predaking storming over angrily, and picked her up by her neck. Adeline struggled violently, clawing at his titanium grip. He snickered in delight as he watched her squirm. She then transformed, roaring angrily as he instantly lost his grip and let go. Adeline screeched, charging towards him with her fire bolt charging up, she blasted him with her flames, but Predaking dogged out of the way, transforming as well. He reared up on his hind legs and met her with his razor claws. She leapt out of the way, his claws grazing her side. Adeline then ran, jumping and landing on his back and dug her claws into his side to hold on. He roared in anger, trying to shake her off, but she held on tightly, digging her fangs into his thick neck. He suddenly unfolded his wings and flung her off, Adeline landing gracefully across the clearing. He charged at her, but Adeline had a new trick up her sleeve. Smiling in her mind, she opened her mouth and unfolded a pair of mandibles by her sides, they shot out her lethal acid, hitting Predaking in the side. He screeched in pain, stumbling backwards as the acid melted through his thick armor. The scent of burning metal scorched Adeline's senses as the giant predacon writhed in pain.

      That's what you get, she thought to herself gleefully.

     She took the distraction to study her soon-to-be brothers and sisters. They looked so helpless, so innocent when they were curled up in their tubes. But Adeline knew the true power that resided inside them, she was one herself after all. She turned her focus to the back of the cave, the decepticons only watching as they skirmished. Adeline wanted to rip them all apart, Bumblebee had been right all along, they were evil, twisted beings and she had failed to see it or listen. Suddenly, a strong force knocked her backwards, she let out a squawk of surprise as Predaking pummeled her to the ground. He snarled as he had her pinned by her shoulders, his side dripping black acid which fell to the ground around her as he towered over her. He started to charge up his fire bolt, his mouth glowing a bright, hot orange, but Adeline wasn't going to submit that easy. She took her back legs, kicking him as hard in the stomach as she could manage. He flew off of her, crashing into the cave wall. Adeline stood up, ready for anything this time. When the dust finally cleared, she saw Predaking standing on all fours, shaking rubble off of him. He screeched, running towards Adeline, and she did the same. They met in the middle, a tangle of fangs and claws as they slashed at each other. She caught him on the bottom of his jaw, and he on her side. Adeline screeched, diving for his neck to make a killer blow, but he was faster, scooping up her neck in his giant jaws and crushing down. She screeched in pain, thrashing as he put more and more pressure on. He then threw her against the cave wall, the rocks tumbling down and hitting her. Adeline's body felt numb with the excruciating pain coursing through it as she tumbled to the ground limply. Predaking pinned her down by her throat, his claws dangerously close to her kill spot.

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