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Ok so after I finished writing this chapter I realized that Wheeljack comes back first and Bumblebee and his team don't come until after in the show. Buuuuutttt, I like it how it is so I'm just gonna leave it like that. Just wanted you all to know!! Enjoy! :)

The green ground bridge portal closed with a whoosh, leaving only the autobot they called Ratchet and two male humans by the names of Jack and Raf. She swore there was a third but Adeline could care less. She strained and pulled at her bondages, getting a painful zap in return. Adeline growled in pain, getting frustrated by the doc's upgrades for her cuffs.

     "I'll kill you all," she panted, snarling as another shock riveted through her body. Well... that wasn't entirely true. She had felt a connection between her and the yellow autobot Bumblebee, she couldn't explain it. He made her feel... safe. Something about him and the autobots pulled her towards them. She hated it, but couldn't fight the feeling.

"Sure, sure," Ratchet waved, not taking her seriously. He was the only one watching Adeline since Arcee had gone to the training room to practice her fighting skills.

"Are you really like, a million years old?" Raf asked in fascination, leaning over a yellow railing on a platform above her.

"I guess," Adeline shrugged. Why did all these stupid humans and autobots care about where she came from? The ice had stopped her aging but technically she was that old.

"You never answered our questions yesterday Adeline," Ratchet said, walking over with an energon rod in hand.

     Her optics widened in fear as the energon rod came closer to her, "keep that thing away from me!" She panicked, struggling even harder. Flashbacks of the abuse Starscream imprinted on her flashed through her mind, she would always be afraid of those terrible torture devices. Waves of pain shot through her from the cuffs as she moved, exhausting her to the point where she could barely move. The energon rod glowed brightly in her optics, blinding her and causing more panic to build up inside her. She felt like she was choking as he neared her even more, her spark thumping rapidly in her throat.

     "I will, if you answer one question; how many predacons is Megatron looking to make?"

     "I'll tell you I swear, just please, don't..." she trailed off, her body becoming weaker as the shocks took its tole on it. Adeline scolded herself, not believing what was coming out of her mouth.

     "Then start talking," the doctor growled, putting the rod inches from her chest.

     Something clicked in Adeline's mind, this autobot should be begging her for mercy, not her begging for his. Megatron's plans for the predacon army were top secret, if spilled, they would loose the element of surprise, "I'm not telling you," she managed to choke out.

     "Fine," he scowled, zapping her with the rod. She screamed in pain, the sparks lighting up the room. The humans watched in fear, huddled together and from a distance. "Now tell me what Megatron is planning to do and how many he's planning to make, our I'll do it again."

     Lord Megatron you better thank me a whole heap for this, she thought to herself, looking at the autobot coldly. He zapped her again, her body convulsing and shaking with the electricity. She panted heavily, the base a giant blurry mess in front of her. He zapped her again, and again, and again, her body not able to take much more. He brought down the rod again, about to electrocute her when a blurry yellow figure stepped through the ground bridge portal with a big red and blue one and a yellow and blue one, the yellow figure yelled something at Ratchet, Adeline unable to focus on what he was saying.

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