High School Sweethearts First Date

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((((( AUTHORS NOTE: Heru frenz. I am srri I havent been particularly active as of late. I've been tryna work on making myself happier, going on walks more, clearing my head, making myself genuinely happier. I may have also met a guy who makes me feel 10/10 and I really wanna get w him but lmao as usual he's way outta my league so rip @ myself. Anywhore, here's an updateroo! I hope you guys enjoy it, I put a lot of effort into this one, and there's a surprise at the end for all my killjoys out there! ;) XD )))))

You and Kellin had been friends for little over 3 years now, and the two of you had the sort of connection that other pairs would recognize almost instantly, before they would start dating. Strangely, it took both you and Kellin 3 years to realize you were both into each other. Or, more likely, 3 years for you to pluck up the courage to tell him you're into him, only for him to then smile at you and say he's been hiding his feelings for you since the day you met. Nothing was official, but you knew this would change absolutely everything. For the past week, the two of you have been walking around school holding hands, Kellin has been complimenting you and making you blush almost constantly, you've spent every waking moment together, but nothing has been made official.

It's Friday night and, as usual, you have nothing planned. You're the sort of girl that, if you ever get invited out to parties, you gratefully decline, because being stuck in a house with hundreds of drunk people your age while they all dance to generic pop music does not come under your idea of a "fun time". You're about to click the next video on your recommended list, which is the mcr concert video that is of the concert the day after the one you just watched, when you get a text.

Kels: Hey baby, are you free tonight? I've been planning a little something for us all week...😁🙈💕

You sit bolt upright in bed and run a hand through your hair, is he asking you out on a fucking date!?!

You: Hey Kels! Of course Im free, tf else would I be doing if you arent here!?! 😂👌🏻💕

Kels: Haha, yeah, thats what I thought! Alright, I'll pick you up in an hour. 😉💕

You: Is this an official first date kinda thing going on right here right now or am I dreaming because at this point that seems likelier 😱💕

Kels: Haha, yeah, it'll be our first date, first or many I hope! It isnt really fancy or anything tho, so I wouldnt suggest a dress. There's gonna be a lot of jumping, screaming, and sweating. 😏💕

You: If you take me to a strip club I will disown you. 😐💕

Kels: OH MY GOD THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT AT ALL! 😂 And hey, since when do you own me!?! 😉💕

You: Well you are my cute lil baby bean. 😅💕

Kels: True, and that is fucking adorable, but we both know Im dom af. 😏😘💕

You: Goddammit yes oh gosh diddly darn Imma die cuz das hot and Im not prepared oops 🌚🌚🌚💕

Kels: Hahaha, I'll see you in an hour baby, miss you already! 😂😘❤️

You: Awwwwwh you cute lil fuck! Ok, miss you too! ☺️😘❤️

And with that you practically levitate and fly out of your bedroom, into the shower. You wash yourself thoroughly, shave your legs and...other areas, because lord knows you a hoe and you've been waiting for this day all your fucking life so things may get out of hand, before jumping out of the shower and realizing you forgot to bring towels into the bathroom with you. Fuck. You run around your house, completely naked and soaking wet from the shower, until you find a towel for your hair and another for your body. You return to the bathroom and dry yourself off, then you venture back to your bedroom and plug your phone back into its docking station, blaring out your mcr playlist on shuffle. I'm Not Okay plays first, and you place a hand on your heart at how fitting it is. You're kinda worried about mcr right now, the fandom is weary of how distant they are becoming, and how the last album was all about death and none of us know whether that's because they wanted to prove just how emo they are, or if it means this is the end. You try not to think about it but, since Michael Jackson "died", which you still dont believe whatsoever, anything could happen. Once your hair is dry, you choose yourself an outfit. Kellin said not fancy, no dresses, but you dont want to show up in just skinny jeans and band merch. If you were on a date with anyone else, you would, HAPPILY, but you really want to impress Kellin, and he sees you in band merch and skinny jeans everyday. Eventually, you decide on the perfect outfit. It's pretty casual, but then so are you, you would dress up if Kellin had said it was fancy, but he specifically said it wasnt going to be, so you assumed it would probably be wandering around a park or something, a picnic maybe, which would obviously still be perfect.

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