**Also was posted on Quotev**
Everyone has something that they're meant to do. Whether it's to be a servant, a noble knight, a King or Queen, or just an ordinary merchant.
Scarlet Pendragon is the y...
It has been a year and a half since the Princess 'escaped' her cell, also one year since the beloved King's ward went missing. A lot has happened in Camelot, such as Morgause making appearances in Camelot and showing Arthur what the reason of his mother's death was, of course he didn't believe it.
But now, Uther is heartbroken he lost both of his daughters, so he has sent out for them to both be found. Sadly there wasn't any luck, for the missing princess. They found Morgana, which had been enough for the king. He knew that if his daughter wanted to be found, she'd show up.
Over the past year Mordred and I have grown incredibly close, and we both have been helping each other control our powers. We've been staying in a village on the outskirts of Essetir over the past few weeks. I've kind of lost track of time. All I know is that tomorrow's supposed to be my birthday and I can't help but wonder what's going on in Camelot. I hate thinking about it because Mordred seems really happy with our life that we've established here, and I don't want him to feel like I'm homesick and think that I'll leave back for Camelot, something I have no intentions on doing. But because my father has been searching for me, I've started going by another name. No one in the village really thinks that I'm the princess, thankfully they don't know what I look like.
"Know what tomorrow is?" Mordred smiles, walking into our small cottage that we are currently staying in. "A day away?" I pretend like I don't know. I really wish he would have forgot, but of course I should have known he wouldn't, he was the one pestering me about it on the journey here.
"You know you don't have to pretend to be dumb, I promise I'm not going to do something totally outrageous like you're used to." He gives me a side smile which I return. "I just really haven't got to celebrate anyone's birthday, so I thought I'd do something nice." Mordred shrugs.
"Come on, we need to get going." I tell him, tossing an apple over to him. He blows out a puff of air. "You know, I love working for Mary and all, I mean she allows us to live in the cottage as long as we work for her, but that woman really knows how to push someone to their limit." He takes a bite out of the apple while we walk and offers me a bite. "No thanks, while you were out tending to the horses I made myself breakfast." I smile gratefully. He shrugs. "This is Gwaine's fault." I mutter under my breath.
During our time in this village, we've started working at a tavern, despite our ages (15 tomorrow, Mordred's 15) no one really wants to work there and due to us being parentless, and the fact that we look older than 15, we get to work in the tavern. Mary is the owner and the owner of many of the cottages in the village, one of which we're staying at until we can actually afford a place of our own. Gwaine is a regular at the tavern, well has been for a week or two, he and Mordred seem to be really good friends, but the thing is Gwaine hates royals, thankfully he doesn't know who I am.
As we walk into the tavern the musky scent of sweat fills the air. My nose scrunches up in disgust but I instantly get to work, taking orders, all the other things that I'm supposed to do, while Mordred chats with Gwaine. Mordred doesn't exactly work here, he just comes and sits to make sure I'm alright.
"Ah, Taylor, my favorite waitress." Gwaine smiles as I walk over to where he and Mordred are sitting. Taylor is the name I go by now, it's believable enough. "Ah Gwaine, my favorite customer." I smile. Mordred throws a hand over his heart. "Am I not your favorite everything?" He smiles a cheeky smile causing me to roll my eyes. I kiss his cheek and place my hand on his shoulder. "Mordred Honey, you are, just not my customer."
"I don't suppose I get a kiss, do I?" Gwaine grins, I laugh. "In your dreams loverboy."
That night as Mordred and I sit at our dinner table eating the food that he prepared, yes he does the cooking as it turns out he's way better than I am at it, but as we're eating, he excuses himself and goes into his room, coming out seconds later with a small decorated box in his hands and a smile on his face.
He sits back down across from me and slides the box over to me. "I couldn't wait until tomorrow." I giggle. "Mordred you didn't have to get me anything." I tell him honestly, slowly moving my hands down to open the box. I open it to reveal a necklace on a black chain with a fiery heart shaped leaf pendant.
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My smile widens. "Mordred this is amazing!" I gasp. He smiles and motions for him to put it on me. I allow him to. "Now whenever you're alone or scared, you can look at the necklace and you'll remember me and you, or happy thoughts or whatever it is you want." He rushes sheepishly. I laugh. "I love it Mordred." I turn around to look at him once the necklace is around my neck. "It's beautiful." I whisper. "I'm glad you like it. Before I can process what's happening, Mordred's leaning in, as am I. Then our lips meet. It feels as if we're supposed to be together.
The kiss lasts a few seconds before he pulls away, his cheeks glowing red, and I'm sure mine are too. "H-Happy Birthday, Scarlet." He whispers, kissing my cheek, then walking off towards his room leaving me there to think about what just happened.
Over the next couple of days Mordred and I talked about our feelings for each other. As it turns out we both liked each other and decided to give it a shot.
Today at the tavern was like any other day, until some people who came in earlier started murmuring about seeing people hunting not too far from here. No one comes near here. It's highly uncommon.
"So Taylor," Gwaine starts, "You and Mordred arguing like an old married couple yet?" the older boy jokes. Mordred turns a slight shade of pink and I roll my eyes. "We argue like any other person does."
"Do you need another tankard of mead-" Before I can finish, my eyes dart up to the people who just walked through the door. My heart stops in my chest.
"Taylor, are you alright?" Mordred asks, his eyes going over to who I'm looking at. "Uh yeah, I'm fine. I think it's almost quitting time anyway, I'm going to go get my stuff. Not feeling very well actually." I state, trying to ignore the fact that my brother and Merlin just walked through the door.
Once I'm done grabbing my cloak, I walk back out into the open area to find it in a mess. As it turns out Merlin and My brother, of course, started something with Dagr, one of the townsman who gets most of the profit from Mary's tavern.
I walk over to Mordred. "I think we better go before things get too bad." He whispers to me, dragging me down to the floor as a pot comes at my head. I nod. Gwaine was in the process of protecting my brother, and guilt rushes over me. As much as I'd like to stay and see the public humiliation that Dagr will receive from my brother, we make our way to the door, dodging flying pots and tankards. But before we leave, I mutter a quick enchantment, throwing a tankard at a man fixing to hit Merlin, then we leave.
"Why were they there? This is Cenred's kingdom after all, not Camelot." I pace around the small cottage with worry etched into my voice. Mordred stops me by placing his hands on my shoulders. "Scarlet, love, I'm sure they were just hunting and wandered off. They would never think to look for you here." Mordred reassures me, pulling me in for a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and sigh. "I really hope you're right."
A/N: I decided to take a different route than what I originally planned. woo