Chapter Four

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I slouched back in the uncomfortable, flimsy chair as Harrison White introduced himself to everyone. Every single person in here was a hardened criminal and I couldn't help thinking yet again that we would all make mincemeat of him if we wanted to. He was too gentle for the likes of us, too pure and happy. I just couldn't figure out why he would want to spend his days with people like us. What drove him to do it?

He looked around the class and told us all to introduce ourselves. No way in hell was I doing that. I wasn't the only one who refused. Out of a class of twelve, only three people introduced themselves. Harrison sighed and started scribbling on the white board.

"Obviously this isn't like a normal class. You are all at different levels of capability and education, so I'm just going to start you all on the same thing and see who needs an extra bit of help here and there. If there is something you don't understand, just ask me. I'm approachable....I promise!" He offered a toothy grin to the class before continuing on. "I thought today, we could look at your individual cases. The reason why you were sent to jail. If you think it was fair. If you feel like you got what you deserved. I need you to speak up if your case was in the media."

Harrison looked around the room to a collective ignorance, nobody answered him. I couldn't help wondering if he was insane. It was bad enough already that he was potentially in danger from a room full of criminals and now he seriously wanted us to talk about our cases? I rolled my eyes and sat further back in my chair. Some people just asked for it. He had it coming.

The class remained silent. I narrowed my eyes as Harrison pointed at me.

"Mr Woods.... I believe yours was a case that was widely in the media. I remember it well. Would you like to discuss it with the class? You can get us started."

I shook my head in disbelief and started erratically tapping the desk with my pen. My jaw clenched as I stared at White, but his gaze never faltered as he looked at me. He didn't seem even a little bit afraid.

"Do you have a fucking death wish?"

My voice was barely a whisper.

Rather than look put out, he just seemed amused. The class all turned around to stare at me. Some obviously agreed with my words, others just were blank, like all the life had been sucked out of them. I knew the feeling. I knew it well.

Harrison walked over to my desk. My eyes were drawn to how tight his pants were as he walked over, why would he even wear something like that? Of course, I was being totally unreasonable. He wasn't doing it just to tease me. He didn't even know I was gay. And for all I knew, he could be married or have a girlfriend. Although I thought it highly unlikely. It was something about the way he carried himself. He was an out and proud gay, I was sure of it.
I swallowed and looked back up at him, trying to forget how good he looked. I wanted to intimidate him. He was really jarring on my nerves right now.

"You answered my question with another question Mr Woods." His voice carried a hint of amusement, like this was all some big game to him. "I will ask again, would you like to share your case with the rest of the class?"

I set my chair back on the floor properly, I was fed up of leaning back now. I took my eyes away from his face and stared at the front of the class with a scowl on my face.

"Like hell I do. I'm one step away from walking out of this shit hole, so don't tempt me."

Harrison gave a short sharp laugh and walked back to the front of the class, his ass swaying as he moved. I knew I wasn't the only one looking.

He sat back on the front desk like he had when he first came in the classroom earlier and started swinging his legs again.

"If you want to leave, go for it. Nobody is forcing you to do this class. That goes for all of you." There was a stern tone to his voice now. "If you don't want to be here, then get out now and don't waste my time. I have a class to teach and if you feel offended at me asking about your case, then maybe you're not as tough as you think you are. Years in prison clearly haven't made you a man yet Mr Woods."

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