Chapter Fifteen

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I still couldn't believe that Harrison was willing to do this for me. He would lose everything. His whole life as he knew it would change. No contact with his Dad, his house, his job, any friends that he has..... they would all just cease to exist. I wanted to talk him out of it but at the same time, a selfish part of me knew that I needed him with me.

Besides, it didn't even matter if I did try and talk him out of it, he wouldn't listen. The sincerity and determination in his eyes was quite something. I knew there was no persuading him otherwise.

I zoned out as he started talking logistics. I was too busy watching his face. I was studying him. His piercing blue eyes that made my stomach feel funny, his lips that turned my legs to jelly, the smoothness of his pale skin. What did he see in me? I knew I still had a hardened look about me. My dark curly hair never seemed to get the gloss back it once had, despite the new fancy shampoo he had given me. My eyes were those of a bitter man. My smile was rare and when it appeared, it was tainted with misery.

But it wasn't just the superficial things. It was the inside what really counted. Harrison had a heart of gold. If you were to cut through him, you would find nothing but good. I was hurt and pained. I had horrible thoughts going on inside my brain and even though Harrison didn't think I was, I felt like a monster. So what did a person who was so good, see in me? It didn't make sense.

I snapped out of my trance when I heard him say the words 'In a few weeks'.
I shook my head, wondering if he was crazy.

"What? No. If we are doing this, it needs to happen immediately. I can't wait a few weeks."

He rested his hand on my arm, smiling kindly.

"Yes you can Noah. You have to. I am willing to help you but I can't just leave everything behind straight away. We will need money, we need a plan. We can't just wing it and hope for the best. There are all sorts of things I have to check out..... if the cops find us.... You will be straight back in prison and I might even be joining you. They aren't going to take kindly to what I'm doing. It's not just going to be a simple case of me losing my job. There are many complications in what will happen if we get caught. There needs to be a plan."

I shook my head again, and gently took his hand away from my arm. Instead of removing all contact completely, I linked my fingers through his. He looked surprised at first, then comfotable.

"Harrison ...I.... I understand all that, I do. But if I stay here..... I will kill Cooper. I don't think you understand the urgency of the situation. I need to go. In the next day or two."

He stepped close to me, his eyes looking into mine.

"No Noah . I'm here. I'm not going to let you kill anyone. It's really quite laughable that you think you are capable of that. Come on, come back to mine tonight so we can talk and make some plans. At least that way I can keep an eye on you. I'm sure we can think of a few other things to do than murderous revenge."

My breath caught as his free hand lightly roamed my chest. I desperately wished I wasn't wearing a top right then. I wanted to feel his hands on me. He grinned wickedly as he started speaking again.

"You may have a bunch of crazy things going on, such as needing to run away before you murder your big brother who murdered somebody else that you done time for because you are both screwed up orphans, but all I can think about is....."

I blushed as his hand traveled down to my crotch.

"Harrison ... you can't... we can't do stuff like that here. You work here."

Instant heat was spreading through my body at his touch.

He shrugged, laughing a little as he ran his hand back up to my chest.

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