Chapter Nine

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For the rest of the day, I tried to focus on anything but Whites ass. Or his face. Or his arms. OK , so all of him was bothering me right now. The fact that he thought nothing of working so close to me that our bodies were almost touching set me on edge.

And he didn't shut up. He just talked about anything and everything while I listened. By the end of the day, our car was way more fixed up than Reggie team, but it had only been me doing all the work. I seemed to have a natural talent for mechanics, and I felt embarrassed when Reggie started praising me up. I wasn't used to praise.

I left the garage quickly without even saying bye, and hurried home. The more time I spent with Harrison, the more my head got muddled. He just didn't seem like he was a real person. He certainly wasn't like anyone I had ever met. I was annoyed that he seemed to be deliberately looking better and better each time I saw him. Or maybe it was the fact that I just thought he was hotter each time I saw him. I shook my head as I entered my motel room. No. I was Noah Woods. I didn't do feelings.

When I fell asleep that night, I dreamt of Harrison. Nothing even happened in the dream, he was just there. I woke up on Friday morning ready to get the day over with. I had Math and Media Studies again. I wanted to get today out of the way so I could have the weekend to myself again. To take control of the thoughts swimming around in my head. I needed space from White. He was confusing me and I didn't like feeling out of control.

Math was a complete snooze, I had already aced all this work back when I was a twelve year old. I walked into Media Studies a bit later than what I usually did. Not so late that I was late for class, just late enough to not be the first one in. I didn't want to be alone with Harrison. I didn't want to feel anything.

To my complete and utter annoyance, White made us look at the headlines of our cases again and forced us to write our own headlines. He wanted us to role play and imagine if we were a reporter writing about our own case. All I could think about was getting him in the bedroom and doing some other kind of role play. I hurriedly shook the thought out of my head, alarmed that I was thinking about him in those situations.

For my work, I wrote about how Noah Woods was a cold-hearted killer who had no compassion and no soul. When White was walking around the room, looking over everyone's shoulder at their work, he sighed and shook his head at mine, before walking back to the front desk.

The afternoon just seemed to drag, and my pants were feeling tight and uncomfortable with the thoughts of White in my head.

At the end of the day, everybody started filing out of the classroom, and Harrison, just like he had done in the other Media lessons, called me back. I sighed and cursed as I walked over to the desk he was sitting on. He really didn't grasp people's moods all that well. Surely he could sense that I wanted to be left alone.

"Is this going to be an everyday thing whenever I do this shitty class? Because if you are going to call me back all the time then I'm just going to have to switch classes."

For some reason, my words amused him. His eyes sparkled as he looked me up and down, making me feel nervous. I felt like he could sense I had been thinking about him in a dirty way. I felt hot as I realised that I really would like to get dirty with him. Well, I wouldn't. I mean.... It was White. He was annoying and had been sent into my life with the purpose of sending me crazy so.... I didn't really want to think of him like that. But I did. This was exactly why I needed to go home and be by myself. Everything felt weird.

"Anyone would think you didn't want to talk to me Mr Woods. You are lucky I'm made of tough stuff, otherwise it would hurt me."

I frowned as he spoke, not wanting to say anything. I waited for him to get to the point. He tugged at his light brown waistcoat that was worn over a hideous bright purple shirt, and smiled at me.

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