Chapter Ten

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I tried to get my erratic breathing back to normal. I couldn't believe what had just happened. How could I have been such an idiot? How could I have kissed White? I put my head in my hands and groaned. I deserved to go back to prison for being such a fool. At least stuff like this didn't happen when I was locked up.
I jumped as a loud banging started up at my door. Of course I knew who it was straight away. I froze and stared at the door, not knowing what to do. In the end, just as I suspected he would, he opened my door with the spare key he had to my room.
I couldn't look at him as he walked in. I suddenly found the cover on my bed very interesting.

"We need to talk about what just happened."

I shook my head, but didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I had just made an idiot of myself and I was angry. I didn't want to be angry around Harrison. Me fucking up wasn't his fault, but I knew I would take it out on him if he pushed me to it.
He sighed and started tapping his foot against the floor impatiently.

"For somebody who was locked up for twelve years for a crime they didn't commit and has been through absolute hell, you sure act like a child."

I stood from the bed and looked at him now. My face was a scowl as I clenched my fists. White had a really bad habit of mocking me and it was annoying. He had that faintly amused expression in his eyes again as he witnessed my reaction.

"Oh come on Noah. Don't look at me like that. You are being childish. We just kissed and we need to talk about it."

I shook my head again.

"I have nothing to say."
Harrison held his hands up in surrender.

"Fine. That's fine. Then we don't have to say anything .But I could use some company tonight."

I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Excuse me?"

He smiled kindly, his eyes locking with mine. All I could think about as I stared at him was how good his lips had felt against mine.

"I'm just going to tell it like it is.... It's Friday night and I am going home to a bottle of wine and a takeaway for one. That's sad. Maybe you can join me ?"

I shook my head, alarm written all over my face.

"Just because I kissed you... it doesn't mean I want to spend time with you."

He started chuckling at my words.

"Oh you are so charming Noah."

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what he found so funny all the damn time. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Look, for years and years I have been too involved with my work to make many friends or do anything. You already know that I have spent my time trying to break you out of jail. And now you are finally out, it seems stupid to pretend like I don't want to see you. Seriously, come over to mine and we can just hang out. I don't want to be here, it feels too much like work. I see these motel rooms day in day out after my teaching at college is done and it's depressing."

Something inside of me really wanted to take him up on his offer. And that alone didn't feel right. I was Noah Woods. I didn't like people. Why would I even consider going over to his? Although he did say about wine and a take away. The only time I had ever tasted alcohol was before I got sent down, Cooper had a house party and forced me to drink straight vodka. It was horrendous. It would be interesting to see what wine was like. And a take away.... A take away sounded like heaven. I shrugged my shoulders.

"How far away is it?"

Harrison looked surprised at my sudden change of heart, I couldn't fail to notice how his eyes lit up.

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