Chapter Eight

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The next morning, I showered and dressed in record time, then made my way to the garage. I was still fuming over yesterday. It made me even more certain that the way White had been acting like he gave a shit wasn't true at all. How could he go from acting like my saviour one day to ignoring me the next.

I had made sure I was in the garage before the others were there. I breathed a sigh of relief as the only one that greeted me when I arrived was Reggie. He handed me a pair of overalls and I looked at him unsure.


I kind of grunted at him. I still wasn't used to forming proper sentences and I really had no need to talk much to anyone. To my relief, he seemed to understand what I meant. He smiled kindly and pointed me in the right direction . I nodded in thanks, then headed for the room, shutting the door behind me.

I frowned as I started peeling my clothes off. I hated the fact that White had been right yesterday. The fact that by the end of the day I was sweating right through both sets of clothes annoyed the crap out of me. I hated it when other people were right.

I folded my clothes up neatly and put my legs through the overalls, jumping around like an idiot. As I landed firmly on both feet, I leapt back as the door opened, unable to avoid it slamming into my side.

"Oh my gosh , I'm so sorry. I didn't know anybody was....."

I scowled into the face of White who was standing at the door gaping at me. Why didn't this dude ever leave me alone? His hand was on the door handle, and I blew out in relief as he started shutting the door, but to my complete horror, he opened it up fully instead and walked into the tiny bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I was too shocked that he was in here with me to even notice the look on his face as he looked at my stomach. It was only after a minute, I realised what he was staring at. My cheeks went red as I pulled the overalls completely up, covering my body.

"Get the fuck out."

Harrison opened his mouth to say something, and I looked away, unable to stand the look of pity in his eyes.

"Noah... I... I... you.... the scars."

I shook my head, hoping that this was just a fucked up nightmare. The fact that White with his smooth complexion and perfectness had just seen my battered body made me tremble with rage. It was exactly what I had wanted to avoid, which is why I had asked for the bathroom in the first place.

"Get out White."

My jaw clenched in anger as I stared at the stony white wall. I felt like I wasn't breathing. It was only when I heard the door open and click behind me and I knew he had gone that I breathed out a sigh of relief.

I leant back against the cold wall and ran a hand through my curls.

"Shit. Shit shit shit."

I banged my head against the wall, hating the fact I would have to go back out there and face his pity. I took a deep breath and decided to man up, at least I wouldn't have to work with him today.

I slowly made my way back out over to where Reggie and now Harrison were standing. The other three had arrived when I was in the bathroom and had already changed into their overalls. How nice it must be for them to have perfect, unmarked bodies. I pretended not to notice the look Harrison gave me as I focused on Reggie.

"Right guys, It's great to have you back today. You actually all did very well yesterday, you impressed me. Noah, I want you to switch teams with Dwight today, so you will be with Harrison and Dwight will be with me. You seem to know more than my son does about these cars so I was hoping you could teach him a thing or two." He chuckled to himself, amused at his joke.

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