Chapter 9.

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Two weeks later.

 *Heather's POV*

Its been two weeks sense I've saw or heard from Louis.. Two weeks. It would be a lie if I say I didn't miss him because I did. But what bothers me the most is the fact that I expected him to chase after me, but he didn't. And the fact that last week when I was leaving the club I saw him running around with the same red headed whore that he cheated on me with the first time, made me worse. I had been hanging around with Zayn and had got into some drugs nothing bad just smoking pot with him and Niall. I've been hanging out with Suvannah, Harry, and Zayn when they're not with Louis. But tonight I was going out with them and I knew Louis was going to be there with some other girl, which is why I was Zayn's date.

"Are you ready yet?" Suvannah yelled from my living room. "Almost. I just have to grab my phone and I'll be down." I looked in the mirror checking my make up and everything. I was in a tight short red dress that made my butt and boobs look great. I also had black heels that made me about 5 inches taller. I grabber my phone from my nightstand and walked into my living room. I heard a whistle as I was in the view of everyone. "You look hot." Suvannah said her eyes raking over me. "Thanks" I smiled knowing I looked good. Zayn just stood there speechless. Harry spoke up "Let's get going." Zayn wrapped his arm around me a lead me to his car.

The ride to the club was short, and to say the car ride wasn't awkward would be a lie because neither of us spoke. Zayn's the quiet type of guy until he gets wild, then he never shuts up. We walked up to the entrance of the club with Zayn's arm wrapped around my waist, Harry and Suvannah were right in front of us. Harry gave the large security guard our names and he let us in. I followed Behind Harry and Suvannah to a empty booth. "The others are almost here." Harry spoke up before we could ask. "Well I'm gonna go get some drinks, because I'm gonna need it." I smirked at Suvannah making her follow me leaving the guys at the booth. We sat at the bar and waited for the bartender to approach us "What will you two lovely ladies have?" The bartender who looked about my age asked us. "I want four shots of your strongest, and she wants four shoots of vodka." I answered already knowing what Suvannah would have. He brought us our drinks and I could tell what he brought me was Bourbon by the way it tasted when I let the first shot slide down my throat. I took down the other three shots as Suvannah took hers. As we made our way back to the table I could see Liam and Niall with there dates and Louis alone. I walked over ignoring Louis and sat beside Zayn "Your staying sober right?" Harry asked Zayn "Yeah. I planned on it anyways this one likes to get wild." I giggled when he pointed at me and so did Suvannah. "Hell, there both already wasted. How long have you guys been here." Niall proclaimed as Harry pulled up his phone and looked at the time "Uhm, about 15 minutes." Liam looked shocked "What did you guys drink?" I  laughed and Suvannah answered "I had four shots of vodka, and she had four of Bourbon." Liam looked shocked "Hell, Harry can't even take four Bourbon, only two and he's gone." Harry looked embarrassed and Zayn spoke up "Well she's a great drinker. Always have been, last week she finished two bottles of whiskey and half a joint by herself." Niall nodded "Yeah, I was with you guys when she did that, then she started to." I cut him off knowing he was gonna talk about me telling stories about me a Louis, or he was talking about when I started to strip "Niall shut up! No one needs to know!" I was pissed. "Sorry." Niall said softly as he leaned back in his seat making all the guys except Louis laugh. "You want a drink Lou?" Harry offered Louis only to have him shake his head "I quit." everyone snapped there heads toward Louis, I only laughed. "What's your problem?" Louis hissed. "My problem is that you try to act like your changing when last week you were with that same whore again!" I screamed making him sigh. "Yes I was. And I fucked her so hard that she begged for more." He spat trying to make me feel bad. "Nothing, I haven't had before ad if she was begging for anything she was begging for your dick to actually be a bit bigger." I said letting the alcohol talk, knowing if I wasn't drunk I'd never act like that. "Yeah. that's was when I fucked you, you were saying 'Louis it hurts.' and crying like a bitch." Ouch. That hurt. After he said that I looked around at the guys too see them all looking at him shocked. "Let's just go." I whispered to Zayn. He nodded and took my hand taking me home.

By the time Zayn dropped me off and left I went upstairs to my bathroom and stripped my clothes and got in the shower. Once I was in the shower I sat down and let the water fall over me as I cried. I don't know how long I stayed there until I pulled myself together and walked into my room getting dressed. I looked on my dresser and saw some pain pills that Zayn had took when he didn't have any weed. I sat there having mental battle with myself until I poured and handful of the white pills into my hand. I walked downstairs and poured a glass of water. I was ready to swallow down the pills and end it all until I heard a voice.

"Don't do it." I spun around to see Zayn. "What were you thinking!" He screamed making me drop the pills and glass of water before I fell to the ground. "You need help Heather. Real help." I shook my head "No I don't! I'm perfectly fine!" He looked at me calming himself before speaking "Because trying to kill yourself is normal?" He asked. I shook my head. "Where taking you to Suvannah's, come on." I got up as he carried me to the car and laid me in the backseat.

I woke up in a room and looked around noticing this wasn't Harry and Suvannah's room. It was Louis'. I sat up and walked to the door but stopped when I heard Harry and Louis talking. "Zayn said he left his pills there and came back to get them, but Heather was trying to take a handful of them when he walked in. Louis you've really hurt her. She was pure and innocent before she met you. You've ruined her Louis, the damage you caused is going to be hard to fix, but you caused this so you need to help her!" I could hear Harry scream. Then I heard his voice "I didn't mean to do this to her. I love her. It just hurt me when she didn't believe I quit. I've tried changing for her. I love her. I'm going to take her far away from everything and everyone and help break her addictions. Because by know she's addicted to whatever Zayn's been doing with her. I'm going to fix her, because if I can change after all this time. So can she."

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