you're a what ?

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As i reach to Amar's house, silence greeted me. Where was he?" I thought but before i could say anything his lips meet my neck. " s-stop babe!" I whimpered in need but Amar kept on going smirking as he ravished my skin. " i need to tell you something babe , its serious !" I grunted and with that we stopped our ' activities'. " what u need to tell me babe ?" He asked his voice laced with worry and concern and with that i explained what had happened during earlier today. He gasped when i finished and that's when i know my life had turned 150 shades more f***ed up and i was in for some serious shit. " i know what i am about to tell you wont make sense but its the truth you need to believe me !" He whispered. " well what is it" i snapped not evening caring i sound rude. " well kitten you are a demon, you're half angel - half demon and that was your demon side." He said softly. For some strange reason i didn't freak out when i know i supposed to but what he said next made me stare at him in shock and disbelief.
" I'm an angel , your guardian angel."

IN LOVE WITH MY GUARDIAN ANGELWhere stories live. Discover now