▽Chapter 2▽

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Mark adviced Yugyeom to spend the night at Bambam's house, so he could look after him. In the state the boy was, he needed a lot of help.

Bambam just couldn't realize what happend.
He never thought that you can talk with a person now and after a few hours they would be gone forever. His thoughts were so messy, he couldn't think straight. All he was able to do was to cry and mourn his parent's loss.

The following day, the boy went at the police office, as the officer requested. He could barely walk at how devastated he felt.

Yugyeom was there by his side all the time to help him, he even skipped classes for his beloved boyfriend. He knew that Bambam needed him the most now, so he couldn't leave him alone.

''Greetings, please, take a seat.'' officer Taehyung said.
Bambam barely murmured a 'hello' and sat down in front of the police man.
''Firstly, I am really sorry about what happend, I understand it's hars, but I need you to cooperate. Secondly, the big matter is next: as I said, since you're a minor, you need to be in someone's custody. Do you have any close relates who could tutor you?'' the man added.

''My grandparents aren't alive anymore...but I think I could ask an uncle...'' Bambam looked with desperate eyes at the officer.
''Okay, so these are the forms the new tutor has to complete. When you find one, please make sure that person writes everything right on these forms and then bring them back to me. You have around two weeks to find someone, so please hurry up. Goodluck...and you have my respect.'' the man said.
''He will surely find someone!'' Yugyeom quickly added, then he stood up, reached for Bambam's hand and exited the office.

As they were walking back home, Yugyeom looked worried and with quite sad eyes at his boyfriend.

''Bambamie...who are you going to ask?...Well, I wish you could live with me, but I'm not major aswell...'' Yugyeom stopped walking, still holding Bambam's hand tightly.
''I will ask my uncle Jin...I hope he may be able to watch over me, at least until I turn 18.'' Bambam took out his phone, dialing his uncle's number. ''I will give him a call right now.'' he added, after he did so.

''Yoboseyo?'' Jin picked up.
''Hello, uncle Jin, it's me Bambam.''
''Oh, Bammie, are you alright? I was about to leave the town, so I could come to check up on you. I'm really damaged by what happed...I am sorry, it hurts me too...'' his uncle said.
''Uncle...I need your help with something. I'm under nobody's custody at the moment and if in two weeks I don't find a tutor I will be sent in the orphanage...'' Bambam said sadly, being on the verge of crying.
''I haven't thought about that consequence...I am afraid I can't help you...I have my two children and my financiar situation is not that bright, I apologise. I really don't want you to live in an orphanage, but I'm not available unfortunately...'' Jin said, with a lot of regret in his voice. He knew he couldn't take care of a third child, he just couldn't afford that.
''Oh...well then, I guess I'll...--''
''Wait! Why don't you ask your cousin's help? Mark is major and you also live in the same town, I'm totally sure he can help you!'' Jin suddenly cut of his nephew.
''What? Mark is my cousin?! And I didn't know all this time??'' Bambam involuntary raised his voice.
''He haven't told you? Or he didn't know about that either?...Anyway, you would better hurry up and ask him.''
''Thanks uncle Jin! I will call you if I can solve something.'' Bambam said, now having a bit of hope.
''Take care!'' Jin said, then he ended the call.

''Mark-hyung...my cousing? wow...and I even fell for him!'' Bambam slightly slapped his cheek, because he couldn't believe what he just heard from his uncle.
''That's quite a surprise...well, just forget about that incidend! Let's go at highschool to find Mark!''
''Yuggie...Mark lives with Jackson...he won't accept...'' Bambam lowered his head.
''He will!! He cares about you as much as I do! At least give it a try.'' Yugyeom encouraged him, then he touched his boyfriend's chin and raised his head as he pecked his cheek.
''We'd better wait, so I could ask him after the classes are over. I don't want to make him to skip classes again because of me...''
''Okay, let's go to my house, I bet you're hungry Bammie! I'm sure my mom cooked something delicious!'' Yugyeom pulled Bambam into a hug, to comfort him, then he took again his hand and started walking.

Feelings were mixted in Bambam's heart.
He was shattered by what happend with his parents, but on the other hand he somehow felt protected and loved by Yugyeom and also by Mark and Jackson. He knew they cared.

Even so, it wasn't enough to ment his soul. The wound was too deep and it affected him too much. Losing his parents was enough to get him into a harsh depression...but he had to fight on, because there are still people left around that love him and wish to help him.

Bambam went to the main hospital and saw his parent's lifeless bodies. He cried a lot, screamed their name and everyone looked at him with sadness.
The image was painful, even Yugyeom couldn't hold back and started crying a bit, holding Bambam tightly in his arms.

Bambam wasn't the same after what happend, but time may be able to heal a bit the damaged his parent's loss caused. He couldn't mourn them all day, but right now he wasn't able to do something else, he didn't know what to do.
He felt lost on a dark path, it was like his 'guardians' left him lonely forever.

•Take my pain away•||Sequel of 'Tutoring a F*ckBoy'||Where stories live. Discover now