▽Chapter 4▽

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It was all set and done now, Mark legally became Bambam's tutor. They gave the forms to the police officer and Bambam was oficially saved from going to the ugly orphanage.

''Mark, thank you, you're so kind.'' Bambam felt the urge of huging his cousin.
''At leats that's what I can do to help you, welcome to the family Bam!'' he opened his arms, allowing Bambam to hug him.

''Yugyeom...what the heck are you doing boy?'' Jackson looked dumbfounded at Yugyeom. ''Yo, why are you crying?'' he added confused.
''I am happy for Bambam!!'' he half shouted in between tears.
''We are all happy we could solve this matter.'' Mark said.

''Guys, I've got an idea! Let's go celebrate by having a movie night, since it's weeked we can do that!'' Jackson cheered.
''I totally agree!'' Yugyeom said, wiping his tears of happiness. ''What do you thing Bammie?'' he said as he reached for his boyfriend's hand.

Bambam only nooded and a little smile cracked on his face.
''Then, let's go to our home.'' Mark said, looking like a leader above all three.

Firstly, they went to a supermarket to buy snacks and drinks.
Jackson and Yugyeom were talking about what movie they should pick to cheer Bambam up.

Meanwhile, Bambam was looking lost through the market's shelves.
He reminded that his mother used to buy stuff from this store and the though of his mom got him sad again.

Mark noticed that Bambam was not feeling well, so he walked at him and patted his shoulder.

''It's alright Bam, you have us now, we will take great care of you! I understand it's hard...but we will help you get over it and feel better.''
''I am really grateful...I wish I could repay you somehow...'' Bambam said, almost crying.
''Just be happy with us, that's all I want.''

Yugyeom and Bambam were now in Bambam's new room, unpacking and placing his things here and there around the room.

Jackson was in the kitchen, eating and Mark also shown up.

''Baby, I hope you don't mind about Bam living with us.'' Mark said, on a slight guilty tone.
''No, it's totally fine Markeu! I agree with that, just tell him to lock himself in his room and listen to music loudly while we want so privacy.'' Jackson joked.
Mark let out a soft laugh and then he leaned over the table and pecked Jackson's lips.

''I love you, thank you.'' he sweetly said.
''I love you a lot more, you little adorable pabo!'' Jackson smiled as a reply while he was taking another bite of his precious and delicious food.

 ''I love you a lot more, you little adorable pabo!'' Jackson smiled as a reply while he was taking another bite of his precious and delicious food

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''Imagine we have a son.'' Mark continued.
''That's exactly what I was thinking!''

''Mark-hyung, Jackson-hyung!! What movie we should watch?'' Yugyeom suddenly shouted from the other room.
''Pick whatever Bambam wants!'' Jackson quickly replied.

Bambam just picked a random movie, it was a romantic comedy. He was silent, that wasn't his usual self, but nobody would be happy and talkative if such thing would happen to them.

Yugyeom was glued to Bambam during the movie, he held him in his arms, caressing his back and kissing the back of his neck from time to time or playing with his soft hair.

Bambam looked so lifeless comparing to the others and this made Mark worry a lot.
Mark didn't focus on the movie too much, he fixed his gaze on his cousin.

''Jackson...he is not alright...'' Mark whispered to Jackson, who was sitting close next to him.
''Don't be silly, ofcorse he's not alright, his parents died, would you be happy if that happend to you?'' he responded, making sure that Bambam wasn't able to hear their little conversation.
''It's not that...and no I wouldn't be''
''Then?...That's quite how a normal person would react, you know.''
''I know, but I don't want him to fall in a deep depression, harm himself or someting like that...I am worried for him, baby...'' Mark said with melancholy voice.
''I see where you're getting at with this, just relax Markie, he's a smart boy! I am sure he won't do such foolish things.'' Jackson tried to assure his boyfriend.
''I guess...you're right.'' he said as he leaned his head on Jackson's shoulder, trying to enjoy the rest of the movie.

''It breaks my heart to see him so lifeless and sad...'' Mark suddenly continued after a few minutes.
''I know, baby, it's hard to see such an energetic boy, who always had a smile on his face, being so gloomy and silent now. Trust me, with time, the old Bam will be back. We will get him back!'' Jackson said while he was caressing Mark's hair.

•Take my pain away•||Sequel of 'Tutoring a F*ckBoy'||Where stories live. Discover now