▽Chapter 13▽

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It was Yugyeom's and Momo's 'great day'.
As he said, Bambam insisted in going to the wedding.

As he said, Bambam insisted in going to the wedding

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''Jackson, let's wait for him here...he said he wants only to peek a bit and be lonely...'' Mark held Jackson by his hand, keeping him from exiting the car.
''Thank you Mark, Jackson...'' Bambam gave them one last glare as he slowly walked outside the church, making sure he won't be noticed by Yugyeom or...Momo.

Everyone was gathered in the church and Yugyeom was waiting at the altar for his bride. Yugyeom's parents were smiling so widely and were so proud of his son's choice. Well, everyone there was happy.
All, except Bambam...who was hiding behind a pillar and stealing quick peaks.

He felt so broken inside. It hurt him too much, seeing how his only love is taken away from him.

As soon as the bride started walking to the altar, Bambam covered his mouth, trying hardly to contain his whimpers and he fell down, still having his back agains the wall.

Yes, it hurt him, but he wanted to see Yugyeom's smile for the last time.

Meanwhile, Mark was looking at Bambam, feeling desperate to help him. But he knew Bambam had to deal with that by his self...

"I know it's sad to see Bammie boy crying like that...he really loved that mushroom head!" Jackson said, watching the helpless Bambam.
"Jackson..." Mark squeezed Jackson's hand, looking now into his eyes.
"I won't ever stop loving you! I am glad I met you! I love you!" Mark suddenly started crying.

He never cried in front of others before. Jackson even told him once that he's so cold and heartless that nothing can bring him to tears.

"I will stay with you forever....my tutor...I love you too." Jackson answered as he was wiping Mark's tears away.
"Don't cry Markie, please, at least just let's be strong for Bam!" Jackson encouraged him.


"We all gathered here for celebrating the union of these two young man and woman!" the priest started his pledge, right after the bride arived at the altar, after she had been congratulated and cheered by the relates and friends present in church.

Momo was smiling like she won somekind of battle. She knew 'that Bam something' had to be somewhere, watching quietly.
Yugyeom also wore a fake smile on his face, because he didn't want to disappoint anyone...even if his heart belonged to Bambam...

After a bit, the priest said:
"Kim Yugyeom! Are you willing to take this woman, on her name Hirai Momo, as your wife?"

Yugyeom froze. He started sweating and his face turned red. When he was about to say 'yes' he stopped, hesitating again.
He saw Bambam crying behind that pillar and looked at him heart broken.

Bambam was now standing on his feet, watching everything, while his tears were blooming from his eyes and took over his cheeks.

Both Yugyeom and Bambam were glaring at eachother.
"Just say yes already baby..." Momo whispered, noticing Yugyeom's lack of words.

After one more glance at his unique true love, Yugyeom listened to his heart and finally spoke up:
"No! I won't! I only love Bambam!!" then he ran away, straight to Bambam, who was totally shocked.

"HAVE YOU HEARD THAT MARKEU!!!! HE SAID 'NO'! I'VE NEVER DOUBTED THAT MUSHROOM HEAD! OMO LOOK AT THAT BITCH'S EXPRESSION!" Jackson shouted excited, while Mark was looking on the window dumbfounded.

"HAVE YOU HEARD THAT MARKEU!!!! HE SAID 'NO'! I'VE NEVER DOUBTED THAT MUSHROOM HEAD! OMO LOOK AT THAT BITCH'S EXPRESSION!" Jackson shouted excited, while Mark was looking on the window dumbfounded

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"Jackson, calm down, it is not over yet...and you cursed Yugyeom quite a lot....what do you mean by...whatever, forget it..." he sighted, having his hand just ready to open the car's door.

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