▽Chapter 8▽

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~after 1 year~

Bambam's PoV:

It sucks to see Yugyeom only through a small screen, I miss hugging, kissing and cuddling him.
I miss the times when he would always cheer me up by buying me ice-cream.

We didn't text or call eachother for nearly 2 weeks...maybe he already forgotten about me...I am afraid that this would happen...I really love him and I don't wanna lose him!...or maybe, he's just really busy with school, who knows?

As for me, I found a part time job as a waiter here in LA. I work at the same restaurant with Jackson, we wanted to gather money so we got a job.
Mark is studying hard at one of the best universities from LA, where his mother is actually the headmaster.

At first it was a bit difficult, but with Jackson's help I got along and even learned the language pretty quick.

Even so...I can't stop thinging about Yuggie.
Is he alright? Is he eating well? Is he resting? I'm very worried, why didn't he even texted to me once in 2 weeks? I tried messaging him, but I feel like he just ignored my texts and turned me down, which get me even more burdened.

I wish time would pass quicker so I can reach him, be again with him, feel his touch again...

I accepted doing this only for Mark, I can endure 4 years for him, but right now I feel sad. Sad because I haven't heard anything about my only love.
What if he doesn't love me anymore and he threw me aside?...no...I should think positive!...

Yugyeom's PoV:

I'm such an idiot! I am sure Bambam is worried.
How stupid can I be and not even answer his messages? He is loving me blindly and what am I doing?...dating that silly girl because I've been told so.
Why can't I take my own decisions just for once?! I ONLY LOVE MY BAMBAM!!!

I really do miss him...and I am sure he feels the same way...

What's worse is that....I've spent every single day lying to Momo...even kissed her only to make my parents happy. And no I am not straight! Ugh...

Tonight I argued again with my mother...because....she wants me to marry that girl! I cannot accept that, no, never! I don't want to hurt Bambam like that! I promised I will never bring him pain and that I'll never forget him.

I can't just wash everything we had together away...everything we've been through, together...

He is my first and last love...my only love...and I feel so lonely without him.
I miss making him smile and laugh. He was so adorable.

Now I am stuck with this girl, Momo...and I can't do anything about it...my parents are absolutely impossible!
I am just crying my soul out everynight, because it hurts to lie other people, especially when love is involved.

I wish I could be with Bambam again and prove my parents that he's the only person I will ever love!

I regret doing this to you my sweet Bammie....

•Take my pain away•||Sequel of 'Tutoring a F*ckBoy'||Where stories live. Discover now