▽Chapter 9▽

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~after 4 years~

''Bambamie!!'' Yugyeom shouted as he ran towards his boyfriend, taking him into his arms and hugging him tightly while tears were taking over his cheeks.
''Yug-Yugyeomie~...I missed you so much!'' Bambam cried, not letting go of his boyfriend.

''Aww, they are so adorable, this image can make me cry.'' Jackson told to Mark as they both sat aside and watched the two boys remeeting.
''I am happy, because they are.'' Mark smiled, having his eyes a bit teary.

''It's good to see you again, hyungs!'' Yugyeom turned towards Mark and Jackson after he hugged Bambam.
''You've changed a lot boy!'' Jackson commented while he was laughing.

Bambam reached for Yugyeom's hand, holding it tightly, while he talked with the older boys.

''YUGYEOM, WHAT'S THIS SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!!?'' a blonde girl suddenly appears from the corner of the street, shouting madly at Yugyeom.
Her eyes filled with anger could have killed instantly.

Yugyeom's mood suddenly dropped and he quickly let go of Bambam's hand. The others were looking dumbfounded at the young lady who was whining and yelling.

''Momo...please, calm down he's just an old friend I haven't seen for much time, relax, please!'' Yugyeom tried to defend himself, lying in front of all.
''Old friend?! You're holding hands and kissing and old friend, who is actually a guy?! Kim Yugyeom are you out of you mind? I am the only one you should be kissing, you pabo! You're not gay!!''

Yugyeom froze. Momo's words were hitting him like sharp bullets and so they were doing to Bambam, who was glaring confused and worried at his boyfriend. That strange girl, he had never seen before, couldn't be serious.

''So, he is that Bambam, ha?! Answer me, stop looking like a complete fool and asnwer!'' she violently continued.

''Markie, take Bambam from there and let's leave until it becomes worse.'' Jackson whispered to Mark and he did as he was told.
They were both confused. Who was that girl and from where she appeared and what does she has to do with Yugyeom?
''Bam, let's go, I am sure Yugyeom will explain you later, let's leave for now...'' Mark took Bambam by his arm and pulled him closer as they start walking home.

''Yes, he is Bambam! Is that a problem?'' Yugyeom finally answered Momo.
''If your parents will find out about this, you will get in big trouble Yugyeom! and you don't want that do happend, do you?'' she blackmailed him.

Having no choice, Yugyeom slighly turned his head, peeking behind him at Bambam who left and who was looking totally heartbroken.

''You are right...'' then he hugged Momo as an apology. ''I am sorry....''

While Yugyeom was hugging her, she was smirking proudly at Bambam, who was still watching them as he was walking slowly besides Mark and Jackson.

''YUGYEOM IS MINE,HE IS MY BOYFRIEND, SO STAY AWAY FROM HIM WEIRDO!'' she rudely shouted, causing Bambam to gasp, swallowing his tears and feeling more and more hurt by everything that happent.

He thought that remeeting Yugyeom would be different and will make him happy...instead of bringing him more pain.

''YOUR MOTHER HAVEN'T TOUGHT YOU THAT'S NOT HOW A LADY BEHAVES?!'' Jackson jumped as burned, feeling the need of defending Bambam.
''Jackson! Stop it, let's go, ignore that spoiled kid!'' Mark intervened, before the situation could have gotten worse. Mark was trying to remain calm and he pushed, both Bambam and Jackson, so they would walk faster.

''You won't see that guy again, right Gyeomi?'' Momo's tone suddenly changed after there was no trace of the boys.
''I won't...'' Yugyeom was lying heartbroken, holding back from not crying.
''A promise is a promise!'' she leaned over and kissed his cheek, taking his hand and walking him home, feeling victorious.

•Take my pain away•||Sequel of 'Tutoring a F*ckBoy'||Where stories live. Discover now