▽Chapter 7▽

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Everything went alright with the boys. Bambam started to recover with Markson's and Yugyeom's help.

Now Bambam, Mark and Jackson were going through the final exams period. They all had to study a lot for passing them safely and so they did. Well...Jackson struggled a bit, but everything turned out well in the end.

In one evening, after all the exams were over, Mark gathered everyone in the living room, for talking an important matter.

''Look...this may be hard, especially for you Bam...my mother wants me to go at university in LA with Jackson and this implies taking you with us.'' Mark said making intense eye contact with Bambam, who was listening stunned.

Mark's words were followed by a moment of silence, only after nearly 5 minutes Bambam spoke up:

''I understand...well, you helped me when I needed the most, at least this is what I can do to repay you. I know how much you want to go at university there, so...yes I accept that.'' he said with obvious sadness in his voice.

He was sad, because that ment leaving Yugyeom behind for a while...4 or 5 years, which was indeed a lot.

Yugyeom only remained silent, glaring from time to time to Bambam or Mark. He understood what's going on and it was a bit heartbreaking to live for 4 years without his boyfriend beside him everyday.

''You won't forget about me right...? We will talk everyday right...?'' Yugyeom almost murmured, sitting close to Bambam.
''Sure! Ofcourse I won't forget you! I love you, why would I forget you?!'' the boy half shouted.
''I will wait for you here then.''

''Are you sure is alright guys?'' Jackson said, noticing that Mark was quite upset.
''Yes, we can handle this, let Mark live his dream of learning there!'' Yugyeom tried to say that on a cheering tone.

''Thank you boys...and...I am sorry you have to go through this only because of me, I don't want to be selfish.'' Mark stood up, walking towards Bambam and Yugyeom.
''You are not selfish Mark-hyung, you helped Bambam too, so it's only fair from my point of view. I gotta go now...my mom wants me home now, I don't know why. Talk to you later Bammie, bye~'' Yugyeom swiftly kissed Bambam's cheek, then he rushed going back home.

''What's wrong with this boy, he acted a bit weird lately. It's not like him to rush home in that way.'' Jackson commented after Yugyeom left.
''He had a few arguments with his parents, nothing too bad.'' Bambam informed Jackson.
''Aaah, I see.''

''Thank you, Bam. I know you really love Yugyeom, thank you for doing this for me.'' Mark said as he hugged the younger boy.
''For nothing.'' Bambam hugged Mark back, hiding his face into his chest.
''When are we leaving?'' he asked after he pulled out of the hug.
''After two days...I know is soon, but just now I found the courage to tell you about that...''
''Ooh~ then, I better start packing already!'' Bambam ran into his room, searching for what clothes and other things he should pack up.

''See Markie, I told you they'll both understand!'' Jackson said after Bambam closed his room's door, then he ruffled his boyfriend's hair and pecked his lips.
''Yeah, yeah you told me'' Mark softly laughs, responding with a kiss.

~after 2 days~

Two days passed by fast and the 3 boys had to leave Korea for 4 years.

''Take care Bammie, I will miss you!'' Yugyeom said, nearly crying, while he was hugging his boyfriend tight.
''Promise me one thing Yuggie...please, don't forget about me and don't be sad, we'll talk everyday!'' Bambam patted his back, having his eyes shut tightly to prevent any tears from falling.
''I promise! I took your pain away once, I won't bring you anymore pain such as forgeting you. I love you!'' Yugyeom said in between tears. He couldn't hold back anymore.

After the two were done saying their goodbyes, they left.

Both were feeling burdened. Only the thought of not seeing eachother for 4years were devastating.
More for Yugyeom...because he knew his parents will take great advantage by this.

The thing is that, Yugyeom was always arguing with his parents because of Bambam. They wanted his son to be straight and forget about that 'orphan helpless boy' and Yugyeom would never accept that.

Now, that Bambam had to leave, he will be forced to like a girl they want and in the end even marry her. Yugyeom was sure that will happen and he won't have any alternative but do so, lying to Bambam since he won't be in Korea anymore.

Yugyeom parents already made Yugyeom go on a few dates with a girl from his class that they thought is cute. Her name was Momo.

Indeed, Momo was cute and beautiful. She had long blonde her and an adorable face, she was nice to stare at and she had an innocent personality as far as Yugyeom got to know her. And so, he still couldn't feel anything for Momo, he will always love Bambam and only Bambam. He was going out with that girl only to make his parents shut up.

Yugyeom hid the fact that he was forced to see Momo. That's the reason he had to leave early. He only told Bambam that he argued a lot with his parents, but he didn't tell him about that girl he had to date. He was scared Bambam would leave him and he didn't want to bring his boyfriend more pain.

•Take my pain away•||Sequel of 'Tutoring a F*ckBoy'||Where stories live. Discover now