▽Chapter 11▽

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The next day, Bambam wakes up, determined to find out what's really going on with Yugyeom and that crazy girl.

He gets ready, quicker than he usually does and walks straight to Yugyeom's house at 8 in the morning.

After a bit of walking, he decides texting Yugyeom first, to make sure he's awake.
''I am coming over, right NOW.'' he sent the message.
''No, Bambam, please don't come now, please!'' Yugyeom replied after 2 minutes.
''Why shouldn't I? You really don't wanna see me anymore?''
After he sent that text, there was no reply.

Soon, Bambam found himself knocking at Yugyeom's door.
A girl, with messy blonde hair, opened the door and gave him a cold glare. It was the same 'crazy' girl from the park. The one who threatened him.

''Wha...? You again?! HAVEN'T I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM MY YUGYEOM?!'' she instantly yelled as soon as she realised it's Bambam.
''What do you have to do with Yugyeom? He is my boyfriend for a lot of time and who do you think you are, appearing from nowhere and claim him for yourself?!'' Bambam lost his cool suddenly and fought for the one he loves.

''STOP!'' a voice came from the house. It was Yugyeom, who was desperately coming from his room to stop the argument before it got worse.
''Please, stop arguing...Momo, go inside, let me talk with him, please...'' Yugyeom requested.
''Aish...fine baby.'' she sighted, giving Bambam another death glare.
''STAY AWAY!'' she shouted again, most probably waking up the whole neighborhood, then she left the two boys alone.

Bambam held back from crying and especially slapping Yugyeom. He was so angry that he could barely control himself.

''Bambam...let me explain...that's why I didn't want you to come over, because she was already here...'' Yugyeom said with a guilty voice, trying to get closer to Bambam, who couldn't even look him in the eye.
''I understood Yugyeom, she's your girlfriend now and you haven't even tell me anything, just forgotten about me long ago...you're such a liar!'' Bambam started crying instinctually, clenching his fists and turning his back at Yugyeom, being ready to leave.
''Please Bambam, why you gotta be like this?...let me tell you what really happend, I don't even love Momo!'' he almost whispered, because he was sure Momo was listening to their conversation.
''Whatever...it was nice, thanks for everything...I get it, it's over, have fun with that girl...bye...and don't dare to try finding me ever again.'' Bambam ran away, leaving Yugyeom heartbroken, in front of the door, desperately shouting his name in the need of making him come back.

Yugyeom felt like a part of him ran away, faded away and left him incomplete. And all he could do was lie...and lie again, because he couldn't get rid of his...fiance...Momo...

Since then, Yugyeom kept calling and sending messages to Bambam.
He never gave up in reaching him again, he needed him the most now and Bambam's anger and stubborness made him leave and wipe 5 years from his memories.

Yugyeom just wanted to tell him the actual truth, but Bambam won't ever listen to him and if he did, he wouldn't believe him.

•Take my pain away•||Sequel of 'Tutoring a F*ckBoy'||Where stories live. Discover now