Naomi's Rookie

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"Come on Mickey, you can do it. Fight the lock. You got it." Naomi screamed over the ropes.

I was fighting Nikki Bella, and I was still in NXT. She had her hands over my nose, and I couldn't breathe.

I twisted my way out of it, and threw her out of the ring. Then she tried to do twin magic with Brie. But, Brie refused.

When she got in the ring, I kicked her in the face, and pinned her.


*DING, DING, DING* Our Winner Mickey Turner!

She got in and gave me a hug. Tonight was the Talent Show. The divas that were here this season were Maxine, Janine Maria,  Sammi Olsen, and Darla Knight.

For the talent show Naomi and I were doing a dance by Kid and Play.


"Okay, first up we have Maxine with her talent. Show 'em watch you've got Maxine." Matt said, while handing her the microphone.

"Thanks Striker. First off I would like to say Thank You to my pro Vicki, I am happy to have you this year, because I know I will win Season Five of NXT. Okay, Sammi. You and your blonde hair and blue eyes. What an idiot. Do you know what 8x7 is?" Maxine insulted.

"I know what it is.... it's... uhhh...... hold on for a second." Sammi whined. She is such a cry baby.

"Janine, long time no see. Okay cowgirl, where is your saddle? Nice pigtails we aren't going to a rodeo! Darla, we know that your all into goth and everything, but there is no need to have your hair like that. It looks like you electrocuted yourself. HAHAHAHA. Now, finally Mickey. I despise you so much. You and your stupid clothes, and stupid hair. Plus, the fact that you are Samoan settles it. Samoans are stupid and hotheaded." She yelled into the mic.

Thats when I had enough, and I slapped Maxine across the face. Insult me all you want, don't insult my culture.

"Okay, everyone. That was Maxine's talent. And next up is Sammi!" Matt announced.

Sammi's talent was making people laugh. She was doing a boring job so, Darla pushed her, and said "Now we actually have some comedy in here."

Janine's talent was dancing, so she definitely lost.

Then there was Darla, who's talent was makeup. She gave Matt a makeup job that made him look like a scared clown.

It wasn't bad though.

Finally, there was me.

Naomi and I were wearing matching halter tops, which were blue, but seems chose to wear black tights and I settled on jean shorts.

I had my natural hair in a high  ponytail, and she had her weave down and curled.

"Okay, Finally we have Mickey with her pro Naomi. Take it away you guys!" Matt said.

When we started dancing, everyone began to cheer.

The way we ended was epic. We got on the top turnbuckles and flipped off landing in a split. That was amazing.

"So who do you guys think won?" Matt asked.

He stood in front of Maxine, who just got boos.

Then Janine, she got some pretty loud cheers, because the dancing might not have been good, but it was funny.

Sami.... well she got nothing really. It was kinda silent.

Darla got really loud cheers, but I got the loudest.

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