A Little Light in The Dark

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I was in such a depression the whole week, I didn't come out of my hotel room.

I ignored my friends calls, and the only time I came out was that Friday, because all the other days I didn't have a match.

On Friday morning, I woke up, and checked all my messages. I won't say them all, but there was one that caught my eye.

It was from Jimmy.
Hey, Mickey. Please come back to work, and talk to us. You know what forget us. Talk to me. We have been through some much together, and I don't want to see our friendship come to an end because of one jerk off. I took some really good care of him, and when or if you see him don't be alarmed by the scars. But, please talk to me, text me, or call me. Remember, I am, and will always be there for you. <3

I felt bad, because, he was so right.

Having the same heritage really brought us close.

So I texted him: Hey, Jimm. I'm sorry you guys haven't seen me all week, but... it's just... I've been in a funk all week about Cody. I hope you get this. I really miss you.... and everyone else. Samoan power right? <3

Just as I got up to get dressed my phone chimed. It was Jimmy.

Awesome! Naomi and I will be there to pick you up in thirty minutes! I missed you so so so much! Samoan power <3

With the biggest smile on my face I went to the shower.

I put on a yellow long-sleeve, crop-top that had strings lacing it together. It had Charming in purple rhinestones. I put on some simple ripped, skinny jeans, and of course my Tim's.

I applied some shiny, strawberry flavored, red lipgloss, and I put my long hair, that I might add comes to the middle of my back, into a pony tail.

Looking at my favorite hoodie, that had Batman across the front, I decided to wear it.

I was feeling pretty happy, and I skipped around my room, until someone knocking caused me to bump into a table and break a vase.

Walking over to the door, I prepared myself to be ambushed by Naomi and Jimmy.

As soon as they came in Naomi was squeezing me, and Jimmy had me on his shoulders, running down the hallway while Naomi tried to playfully get me off by swatting us with our bags.

Inside the car was no avail, they didn't ask any questions, but they kept tickling me and pulling my hair.

It was so much fun, and I was officially out my funk. Could things get any better?

The answer to that question is yes, because once I stepped foot into the arena, people were hugging, and yelling, and one person grabbed my butt.

I'm pretty sure it was Ambrose. He's such a damn flirt.

I went to my locker room and took off my Batman hoodie. I learned that the person who was supposed to kick off Smackdown, was sick so I volunteered to kick it off.

It has always been a dream, of mine to be Woman's Champion, and kick off Raw or SmackDown.

My theme played and instead of doing my usual routine, I came out squealing and jumping, I ran down the ramp slapping fans hands, and taking selfies. The crowd went wild when I grabbed a mic.

"Hey guys! I am so super sorry that I haven't been here, you know..... all week. But that was because I was upset over a guy who doesn't want me anyway. I don't need him. He's not for me." I sighed, sitting on the ropes.

"But, anyway I am here to kick off SmackDown. So, the first thing I would like to do is invite Aridean Greenly down to the ring. This young lady is only 10, and she is fighting the deadly disease called Pediatric Cancer. She's beaten it once, and I know she can beat it again. So Aridean come on down here, girl!" I really wanted to meet THIS little girl. She had already accomplished so much.

When I saw her beautiful face, and her shirt with my face on it, I knew she was an amazing girl.

She climbed into the ring, and hugged me really tight. I hugged her back, and we took some selfies. Then she asked me to sign her softball.

"If I die, I want to have this with me, because it was signed by my hero, and my dieing wish was to have something signed by you. I love you Mickey!" She said sweetly into the microphone. I got down on my knees, and I hugged her.

Then she started to cry, but her family said it was time to leave. I told her that I would never forget her. And I never did.

"Thanks for letting me kick off SmackDown, and I love you g-" I was cutoff by Cody's music playing.

He and Maxine came into the ring and stared me down.

"Come on guys, this chick here is pathetic! 'Oh, I have been in a funk all week because of Cody Rhodes', she just didn't want to do her job." He laughed at me.

Then Maxine said something that made my blood boil over 1,000 percent.

"And that pathetic excuse to the poor little girl. We all know she's gonna die, so let her die in peace, without you lying to her." She sneered into the mic.

Finally, I had enough. I used every once in my body to slap Maxine. She fell onto the mat, and Cody checked on her.

He looked up at me and, said "You bitch! How dare you slap my fiance?"

I had enough, and pretended to walk out the other side if the ring, but I bounced off the rope, and double super kicked both Cody, and Maxine who were still on the ground.

Then, I pulled an Aj, and laughed a crazy laugh at them.

I climbed out of the ring, and walked backstage.

Jimmy and Naomi were standing there with the dumbest grins ever possible on their faces.

"Wow, little dynamite, i didn't know you had it in you!" Naomi said while pushing my shoulder.

"Aw, I knew she could do it." Jimmy said while hugging me, when he did Naomi kind of scrunched up her face, in a jealous type way, but I brushed it off.

How could she be jealous of our relationship, I mean they were dating. I'm sure it was just nothing. But, boy was I wrong.

Jealousy, showed more and more in Naomi each week that passed. If Jimmy hugged me or smiled at me she would look..... I don't know.....hm.... lets say... disgusted.

I admit, over the weeks I started liking Jimmy, in more than just a friend type way. He was always there for me. Driving me to work, or bringing me coffee, hugging me, and smiling at me that way the would make any girl melt right on the spot.

One day something happened that created some distance between Jimmy and I.

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