Chapter 2: The Cheating Cody Rhodes

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There was Cody with Maxine on top of him.

Its pretty obvious what had just happened. I felt my eyes burn, and a brim of tears pricked my vision.

"Cody..... why.... why would you cheat on me?" I let my tears fall.

By this time Cody and Maxine both had on robes.

"Isn't it obvious, honey. He wanted a woman, not a little girl. Let's get this settled. Cody and I have been hooking up for three weeks now. So, you can skeedaddle, so we can finish what we started." Maxine was ruthless.

Cody stood there smiling, and kissed Maxine.

The first thing I wanted to do, was leave, but I kicked Cody right in the eggs and sausage, and gave Maxine a viscous right hand.

Afterwards, I confidently walked out of the room, making sure the door was slammed closed.

I didn't know what to do, so I ran to Naomi's room. Hoping and praying that she was there.

Sometimes she would leave to go hang with the girls. Like Eva, Nikki, Brie, Rosa, Foxy, Cameron


When the lock clicked open I sighed with relief. Then a whole new batch of tears started falling.

It was a short victory because, the person at the door was Jimmy.

"Jimmy, is Naomi here? Because... Cody..... and.....he...Maxine.....three weeks..." I said through my tears.

Jimmy's Point Of View.

I immediately knew something was wrong, and I felt bad because Naomi was out partying with her friends.

"No she's out clubbing with her friends. Why? Whats wrong?" I asked, bringing her into my hotel room.

She finally told why she was crying, and it was bad. She was my friend and I hated seeing her sad.

"Cody... he cheated on me... with Maxine. For three weeks, we've been dating for three months. What did I do to deserve this from him?" She was now sobbing.

I pulled her into my arms for a hug, and she sobbed into my Uso shirt. She had been crying for five minutes when I realised what had just happened, and I got angry.

Here was this beautiful, and amazing woman, that he had all to himself.

And Cody ruined that by cheating on her.

So, I decided to knock some sense into him. Literally.

"I'll be back." I said while huffing.

"Where are you going?" She sniffled, looking up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes.

"Nowhere, just sit back, relax, and I'll be back in two minutes." I said while pushing the door open.

I walked to room 337, put my hand on the peephole, and said in the girliest Spanish voice ever 'housekeeping'.

When Cody opened the door i punched him in the face and walked away.

I didn't take note of the fact that he was slightly hunched over.

I heard Maxine yell something but, at the moment that didn't matter.

Walking back to the room I saw Naomi, carrying her shoes in one hand, and one of her hair extensions in the other.

Her makeup was smudged, and she was laughing at nothing.

She had probably just had a wild night out.

"Jimmy, baby! What are you doing out here at this time a night?" She asked me through her small giggles and hiccups..

"I could ask you the same thing, 'baby'." I replied crossly.

Her smile dropped and she said "Whats wrong?"

I opened our room door, revealing Mickey, who had somehow fallen asleep on our couch.

"What happened?" Naomi whispered to me, closing the room door.

I took her into the next room as to not awake Mickey.

"Cody cheated on her with Maxine." I answered quietly, so she could still here..

Her mouth dropped open, and then she got angry.

Then, once she swore she would not go out there and attack Cody, I told her that we would get revenge.

To this she agreed and calmed down.

She went into the bathroom and cleaned her face up, before joining me in bed.

Mickey's Point Of View

"Mickey, hey, Mick, wake up! We have to get to work!" Someone said while nudging my arm.

Opening my eyes I saw that it was Jimmy, the memories of the night came flooding back, haunting me.

"Oh hey, don't cry. Everything's gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be fine. Don't worry we'll get that bastard." Jimmy cooed in my ear.

I didn't even know I was crying, but stopped and realized that I had to get ready for work.

I let go of his shirt, which had I been gripping, and stood up.

"Thank you, Jimmy for letting me stay here, but, I have to go get my stuff, from my hotel room. Is Naomi coming today?" I said while trying to pull myself together.

"No. She's got a mad hangover. Are you sure you'll okay by yourself?" Jimmy asked.

"I'll be fine. Seriously. I'm a grown woman." I mumbled in response, pushing past him.

I walked into the hallway, and down to my room. I grabbed all of my things, and got ready to go.

Once I got downstairs, I asked the desk lady, Tracy, were my rental car was.

What she said made me want to faint.

"Sorry ma'am. Another resident called to say you were parked in his reserved space. So we had your car towed." Tracy said in that sickeningly sweet voice.

I held the counter for support. "C-can you tell me who it was?"

To that, she replied "It was a resident by the name of a Mr. Cody Rhodes, and a Ms. Maxine." She tried to make everything sweet, but I had no way to get to work.

"Thank you for your services ma'am." I said bitterly.

I turned around and blinked.

And everything spun around for a second.

And then I was on the floor.

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