My little dragon

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She told me to stand up. she told me to be brave. and when she said those things she almost made me wonder why I was so scared in the first place.

but sometimes, I didn't want life advice, I wanted support. I wanted someone to tell met hat they loved me even though I was scared and that in time I would become brave.

Sometimes she did those things, and sometimes she didn't. Either way she reminded me that not all powerful, strong things were  bad. Some were beautiful dragons. the way she is.

She doesn't understand that I am not a dragon too. Not everyone can breathe the wonderfully bright fire that she does. But she can be a little too hot to touch at times, less nurturing more scaring. I do not want to change from this. I cannot change from this. There will not be a full moon that takes my body and changes it from a trapped princess into a dragon.

I can not be a dragon like her. just a weak little girl.

Maybe I could try to break out of this place, see the blue sky.

Escape and find her blue eyes again.

It would have to be worth it. I would have to become my own knight in shining armor to find my fair maiden.

And maybe, if I pretend to be a dragon, she can love me for being unafraid.

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