Chapter 17

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I hear the annoying sound of my alarm going off. I wanted to fling my phone across the room to shut it off, but I thought better of it.I am dreading work so bad this morning. After seeing Ms. Andrews at the gym, of all places, last night was not the greatest thing. No, I'm not ashamed of who I am. I have been open about my sexuality for years now. And I definitely am not ashamed that she caught Harry and I kissing. In fact I was rejoicing on the inside. What I was afraid of, is what kind of shit is she going to cause at work. Is Harry going to be able to deal with it? Or tell me that we can no longer be like this? That is what I dreaded about today. Last night when he dropped me off, he was okay with everything. Acted like it didn't even faze him. But, if she ran her mouth at work, would that be his breaking point? I shake these thoughts from my head and get up and stretch my sleepy body. I grab my clean clothes and lay them out on my bed and head to the bathroom to get in the shower. I get washed up and feel my body relax and my mind drift to good thoughts from last night. No, we didn't 'do it' if that's what you're thinking. But we did have a great and intense make out session before he left. After I wash up and will myself to not get too 'excited' from my thoughts, I get out and wrap a towel around my waist and head to my bedroom.

"Why do you keep an extra key under your mat?", Harry said just as I walked into my room. He was setting on my bed twirling a key in his fingers.

"Holy sweet mother Mary of Jesus!", I said as his voice startled me. "You scared the shit out of me, Harry!", I said as I stood in the door way of my room. Not realizing I had let go of my towel. Until, of course, I felt a cool breeze on my lower region. And the look on Harry's face as he sat on my bed and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh shit", I heard Harry breathe out.

I went to pick up my towel to wrap it back around my waist when I felt two hands pull out of my hands. I looked up to see Harry standing there. A look in his eyes that I am very familiar with. He then pulled my naked body into his arms and started kissing me. Needless to say, I responded very quickly. His hands started roaming my naked body as they made their way down to my ass. He squeezed it while bringing me closer to him. Before I knew it he was on his hands and knees in front off me running his tongue along the tip of my member. My hands went to his hair and grip onto it as soft moans left my mouth. After a bit of teasing he finally took my whole length in his mouth. Thankfully he was gripping my waist as he did his magical work, otherwise I would've fell to the floor. My knees went weak as I felt my tip hit the back of his throat. I then started hearing and feeling moans leaving his mouth. The vibrations sending shivers through my body. I was so caught up in what he was doing, I didn't realize he had let one of his hands leave my waist. Til I looked down and seen him with his cock in his hand, pumping it as he sucked on mine. That was enough for me to lose it. I gripped his hair tighter as I bucked my hips and started fucking his mouth. I tapped his cheek to let him know that I was about to cum. He let my member 'pop' out of his mouth as he continued to pumo it as he pumped himself. 'Oh shit' leaving both our mouths as we shot our loads at the same time. his going all over my hand and some dripping onto my foot. Mine going all over his face and mouth. I felt him wipe off my foot and any that hit the floor with the towel that had fell from my waist just moments ago. He then stood up and gave me a sweet kiss. Tasting myself as we kissed. He then went to the bathroom and washed his face as I continued to get dressed.

"Now, why do you still have this spare key hidden on your porch?", He asked softly in my ear as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Because I still have a habit of locking myself out", I whispered back. Not trusting my voice right now.

"Leave it to my baby", He softly laughs as he pulls away, smacking my ass as he does. I quickly get dressed and then we head out to our vehicles. We give each other a kiss before we head out to work. I follow him through the traffic, listening to the radio and letting my mind go over what ocurred this morning. What I great way to start the day. When we get there, we stop by the lounge and grab a coffee and head on upstairs. Stealing kisses in the elevator before our day begins and kisses are left for later. We pull away just in time for the doors to open, signaling that we have reached our floor. We could care less if anyone caught us. We just want to save the slurs we may encounter. I know Ms. Andrews is already going to give her fare share. Don't really want to add to it. Not just yet anyways. We make our way down the hall and I go over to my cubicle, sending a wink to Harry as he continued down the hall to his office.

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