Chapter 42

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I am getting nervous about this meeting. I know that things are going to get said and my mouth is going to override me a bit. I am also nervous about being in the same room as Harry for that long. Poor guy has been sending me texts and leaving me voicemails telling me how sorry he is. I really do want to forgive him. I miss his arms around me. His soft kisses. His cheeky actions. Just miss him in general. But another part of me, my prideful side, doesn't want to forgive him so quickly. My prideful side feels weak for forgiving him so easily or quickly. But my heart, the part of me that beats only for him, is telling me to forgive him and move forward. Argh! Which part do I listen to? I don't know. I can't decide right now. I have this bullshit with my father and Ms.Andrews to deal with. Once again something in my life gets put on hold because of someone's arrogance and stupidity. Anyways. I need to put that side for a bit and pick out what suit I am going to wear. (A/N: Niall in a suit with his glasses on and his hair fixed up. OMG!) I pull out my dark blue suit and tie and my black dress shoes and start getting ready for the day. I then go down stairs and fix me up a small breakfast as I am too nervous to eat much. I just make me up a smoothie in my blender that consists of a banana, yogurt and orange juice. When it's all blended I poor it into a to-go cup and grab my things and head to the office. just as I am heading out the door my phone buzzes, I quickly make my way to the truck so I can put my things down and look at the message. Once in the truck I get settled and read the message. A slight smile comes to my face as I see who it's from

Good morning beautiful. Can't wait to see you xx-H

I send a quick message to him saying good morning and that he will see me soon. It's things like this that he does that makes it hard to be too mad at him. Maybe it's time for us to set down and hash things out. Without getting hotheaded and arrogant. Maybe try to understand each others side. Yeah, it's definitely time. When I get to work I quickly find a parking spot and rush inside. I go to the little vendor that has coffee and stuff and grab me a cappuccino and Harry a mocha latte. Kind of like a peace offering or the start of making amends. I then rush to the elevator as I see I only have a few minutes before the meeting starts. It was moved from ten o'clock to eight o'clock. Argh! When I get to the designated floor I rush into the conference room to see just a handful of people. Thank God! I'm not as late as I thought I was. Just as I get seated Harry walks and notices me. He puts on his cheeky grin and walks towards the table I'm at and sets down beside me. The butterflies wake up in my tummy and my heart starts racing. Yep, he still has that affect on me even while I'm 'mad' at him. As he sits down beside me he leans in and gets close to my ear. I feel shivers go up my spine as the thought of him kissing me runs through my mind. The good kind of shivers. As he gets closer he reaches in front of me as if he is going to wrap his arm around my shoulder. Out of instinct I lean into him and then

"Is this coffee mine?", He asks seductively as he wraps his hand around the coffee cup I placed down on the table in front of me. I could not form any words at that time so I just nod my head yes. "Did you think I was going to kiss you?", He asks with a slight smirk on his face

"Yes", I answer as I know he would see through me had I said no

"Well, too bad we are in the conference room surrounded by co-workers or I may have done more than that", He said before he sat back in his chair acting like nothing just happened. Like I said, even when we are pissed at each other we still tend to get to each other in that way. We have a very unusual relationship. I grab my cup and take a quick swig of it as I try to pull myself together. I then hear someone say something as they enter the room. Kathleen

"Is everyone here that needs to be?", She asks as she sets down at the head of the table

"Ms. Andrews has yet to make it", Another board member said. Mike, I think is his name.

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