Chapter 24

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Work was a bit crazy today. Great thing about it is that Harry suspended Ms. Andrews for a few weeks. Will be a lot quiter in the office now. It does have me worried that something is up with Harry though with the message he sent me saying that we needed to talk. I know he said that it's nothing bad or to worry about, but still. I'm one that over thinks in these kinds of situations. Guess I will find out when I get to his house this evening. Chris did feel me in that motor mouth ratted Harry and I out. That's what has me worried. Is he going to break up with me just to save my job? Okay this over thinking is driving me crazy. Been doing it every since I found out everything. The day is nearly over and I am finishing up my last report that I need to get filed. When I get it finished, I shut everything down and lock my desk up and grab my things to leave. As I was leaving I was in debate on wether or not to do my normal thing and go tell Harry bye. I decided to go ahead and go to his office to at least let him know that I am leaving. I make my way there and knock on the door. I hear a faint but frustrated 'come in' through the door. As I opened it I seen Harry setting at his desk and running his hand through his hair. I just stood there waiting for him to notice me. Took a bit but he finally looked up and seen that it was me that walked in.

"Hi there babe", He said as got up and walked over to me

"You looke quite stresses babe", I say as we wrap our arms around each other

"Was a long day love. But you can unstress me in awhile", He said as he kissed my neck

"Cheeky little shit", I said as he hit that special spot on my neck. He soon pulled away when he felt that we were both fixing to get carried away

"I have a little more work to get done, love. When I'm done I will call you so you can head on over to my place", He explained as we stepped away from each other. We gave each other a kiss. I left the office and headed home. When I got there I went ahead and got my shower in and changed into something more comfortable. It's getting a bit warmer out now that it is close to May so I just pull out a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top and lay it out on my bed for when I get out of the shower. I get the water going to warm up and look in the mirror and realize I need to shave. I do a quick shave and then jump in the shower. I wash up with my smell good bathsoap and wash my hair with some good smelling shampoo. okay, I admit. These are the kind that got Harry's attention and he also commented on how he likes when I use these. I get out and wrap the towel around my waist and head to my bedroom. Just as I gtot to my room my phone rang. I pick it up and see that it is Harry calling.

"Hey doofus", I say as I answer the phone. Of course I giggle after saying it

"Doofus, huh? Well then, shithead, come let me in", He said through the phone

"Um..Harry..I am not dressed yet", I said as I picked up my boxers to put them on.

"Even better baby", was his reply.

"harry I'm no-", I was cut off with him telling me to get my sexy ass to the door and let him in. I hurried down the stairs and opened the door while hiding behind it. What? I didn't want the whole neighborhood to see me in my boxers. Harry then came in and I quickly shut the door and rushed back upstairs to my room. I could feel Harry's eyes burning a spot on my ass.

"Like what you see Styles?", I hollar over my shoulder as I run up the stairs. Before I know it, there are boot clad feet stomping up the stairs behind me and two arms grabbing me from behind. When we make it my room he pins me up against my wall.

"Love every inch of you", Harry says as he places kisses on my neck. Before we get too carried away for the second time today, we pull away from each other and I walk towards my bed to grab my clothes. As I bend down a bit to put my shorts on, I feel a huge hand swat my ass. I squealed and jumped a bit, nearly falling face first into the floor. Luckiily Harry grabbed my waist before I could fall.

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