Chapter 46

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A/N: A couple of you have been patiently waiting for this chapter. I wont name any names but 2oldforthis you have been quite patient so here you go


I am currently setting at my desk getting some work done before lunch. Seen Harry before I came to my desk. Poor lad is stressing over this court thing. Demi is running her little legs off for him to help him get things in order.

"If he's like this with you, no wonder you come to work so tired", She said with a smirk as she passed my desk

"Nope. I'm the boss in the bedroom", I said to her with a cheeky grin on my face

"TMI Mr. Horan!", She said as she put her hand up and started walking back to her desk

"You brought it up Lovato!", I said mocking her tone. We had my other colleagues laughing so hard for a bit

"Thank God Ms. Andrews is gone and Ms. Lovato is here now! Work is so much more tolerable now!", My friend Chris said. A lot of agreement was shouted out and then we all went back to doing our work. After a bit of working I checked my phone to see that lunch was in ten minutes. I shot Harry a text to see if we were still meeting up for lunch. He sent back a text telling me sorry that he was busy. Maybe dinner tonight. Hmmm..okay. That's weird. I don't think anything of it as I finish up my work and then shut my computer down and lock my desk up. I figure I will just go across the street and grab something from there. It's just a little diner. Nothing real big. But comfy and homey. I grab my phone and head on out. I am starving. I text him one last time to make sure. A simple text got sent back to me and that was it. 

As I walk into the diner a bell rings above my head signaling that someone has entered the building. I walk over to the counter to place my order. It's not real busy today but you can hear the chit chat from the people that are there. I order my norm..A burger, fries and sweet tea. I then go to set down and wait for them to bring it to me. Just as I turn around I see Harry setting at a booth towards the back with another dude. This dude wasn't bad looking either. Actually he was quite hot. He had dark brownish hair. Was kind of short along the sides and a bit of hair on the top. He had a slight beard and mustache going. Ears pierced. He looks like a friendly guy actually. But, he is with MY Harry and that is not good

Are you sure you're busy?~NI xx

Yes Ni. I love you~H xx

Turn around~Ni xx

When he turned around the look on his face was priceless yet unreadable. Part of him looked like he hadn't been caught doing something. But a look of dread was also there. "I'll take that to go please", I tell the waitress before she brings it out to me. I wait a bit longer till she brings my food. Harry keeps trying to talk to me but honestly I really don't want to hear it. Am I walking away? Hell no! He will get a reminder this evening after work. That is a promise


Niall! I kept hollering out to him but he just turned and left. I could've sworn that I told him about my meeting today. I guess I did not

"That the boyfriend?", Adam asked as I sat back down at the table

"Yep. That be him", I answered as I took a drink of my soda.

"He's a feisty one", He said with a chuckle

"You have no idea", I replied. We finished up our lunch and our little chat and then said our goodbyes. I will be talking to him again soon. To let you know, no, I am not cheating on Niall! That would be stupid on my part. That was my lawyer and we were meeting up to go over the case of Ms. Andrews and Niall's Father. Now to let him know that. That's going to be the tricky part. And when I say that, I mean I spent all afternoon trying to explain but he kept shutting me down. Saying he has too much work to do to deal with this drama b.s. right now. Fine I will show him in other ways that he is my one and only. I focus on my work the rest of the afternoon and go over somethings that Mr. Lambert wanted me to read over. When my day finally comes to an end, I gather my things and then message Niall to tell him that I am on my way out the office. He texts me back simply saying he already left. Damn! I am going to have to do some extra extreme things to get him to see that I only have eyes for him. Yeah, Adam is quite the handsome one. But my Nialler is breath-taking, drop-dead gorgeous!

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