Chapter 18

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I can't believe she stooped that low as to run her mouth like that in front of everyone. Part of me believes it, but part of me is still shocked. After Harry left the room with her, I just sat at my desk and stared at my screen. Chris, my co-worker and friend, came over to my desk and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Niall, we don't care what your sexuality is or what you do on your off time.", He said causing me to turn around and look at him.

"Thank you Chris, means alot. I just don't want everyone thinking that I would stoop sow low to sleep with the boss just for a raise or promotion", i tell him as i run my hands through my hair and down my face. "She stooped lower today than I thought possible for a human being"

"Niall, everyone here knows what she is like. And I think we all agree that she is not human.", He said with a grin causing me to smile a bit.

"We also see how hard you work here", Another co-worker, Chad, says as he walks over to me. "We all know if you end up with a raise or promotion it's because you earned it"

"She thinks I just walked into this building and bam! got the job! It's not like that at all! I transferred from the other company in London to here! I worked there for five years before transferring to here", I explained.

"You don't owe anyone an explanation, Niall. Especially not her", Chris said. Him and Chad then went back to their desks and left me with my thoughts once again. I go back to my emails and such and do work to try and get my mind off everything. After a bit, she, walks back into the room and goes to her desk. Unfortunately she passes mine to get to hers.

"This isn't over, yet, Horan!", She says smugly as she walks by. I just keep doing my work and not pay her any attention. She is not worth my time or my job for that matter. Pretty soon I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out and open it seeing it's a text from Harry

"We need to talk"..Okay, now I'm a bit nervous

"Now? or at lunch", I send back and set my phone down on my desk and go back to work and try to ease the thoughts that are running through my mind. Is he done? Is he going to blame me for this? is he going to go off on me? With Harry, there is no telling. Yes, I am dating the guy now. But I still have my guard up with him as we haven't known each other that long.

"Now would be good, Mr. Horan" he replies..This could go either way. Him using my last name like that leaves me confused. I shut my computer down and lock up my drawers, grab my phone and start walking out of the room.

"ohhh somone has to talk to the boss!", that whiney voice calls out. I ignore her and keep walking out. But I hear someone else holler out

"Can you start acting like an adult and not like a first grader?"..she didn't respond to that. I just laughed to myself as I walked down the hall to Mr. Styles' office. When I get there, I knock on his door and here a muffled 'come in'. I open the door and walk in. He tells me to set down in the chair that is across from him at his desk. I set down and the smile on my face falters as I see the look on his face. A look of irritation and something that I'm not sure about.

"Mr. Styles, if you called me in here to call things off, can you please just get it over with?", I said quietly as I stared at my hands. When he didn't respond I looked up and the look on his face was unreadable

"Go away with me for the weekend", He said as my eyes met his

"W-what?", I asked a bit shocked. He then got out of his seat and came around his desk to me. He put his hands on the arm of the chair on each side of me and then leaned down closer to me.

"I want you to go away with me this weekend", He said as he pecked my nose

"Okay", I said a still a bit shocked. "So, you aren't mad about what Ms. Andrews said or did?", I asked him

"Very pissed actually. But not at you", He explained. "She has threatened to go to the board and all that. But she needs to remember that I am the owner of this compnay. I still have final say in decisions that are made.", He explained.

"So, what are your plans for us on the weekend?", I asked him as he walked away and went to set down.

"That is for me to know and you to ..not find out till Friday", He said with his cheeky grin

"What if I did this?", I said as I got up and walked over to him. He looked at me with wide eyes as I sat down on his lap, straddling him

"I still say you have to wait", He says with a little laugh as he grabs my waist. I then lean down and start kissing him..I place my lips by his ear and nibble on his lobe. "How about now?", I whisper seductively as I hear a slight moan leave his mouth.

"Niall-", he started to say as we were interrupted by a knock at his door.

"Yes!", he hollered out in his irritated voice.

"Mr. Styles, I have some paperwork for you"..Oh my god, does that woman think she has to be up his ass all the time?

"Come back in a bit! I am in a meeting", He called back to her.

"I guess I better get back to work, babe", I said as I got up off his lap. A slight wimper leaving his mouth as he grabbed my hips.."My", He said as he pecked my lips

"Sounds great to me', I told him as I walked towards the door. As I opened it, I about screemed as I seen her still standing there waiting. I guess Harry did too

"Remeber, Mr. Horan, be punctual I don't like waiting", he said as he tried to be serious, but I got what he was saying

"yes, sir, Mr. Styles. I wont be late", I said as I smiled back at him. Ms. Andrews standing there looking confused at our conversation. Good. It's none of her business anyways. I made my way back to my desk and got back to work. Getting anxious about dinner with Harry. needless to say the rest of my work day went pretty well. Ms. Andrews had her things she felt needed to say. But I ignored her remarks and gave her no response. It was pissing her off and I was laughing quite hysterically on the inside.

A/N: I hope you liked it. Kind of boring I think. Hopefully next chapter will be better..LOL..What do you think Harry has up his sleeve for the weekend? is Niall getting too close too quickly with Harry?

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