Chapter 27

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It's been a couple of days since the Board meeting. A couple of days since Harry made me feel like I am a nobody. It is now Friday and nothing has changed. I am still treating Harry as my boss. He is still trying to wiggle his way back. Not happening. After what he said to me, I need more time to get pass it. I may sound like a girl right now, but he wants to act like he is above me, I am going to show him that I do not grovel. I am not crawling back to him because I know that I can survive without him and his egotistical attitude. Not saying it's easy, but I can do it. Anyways, When I got to work this morning there was an e-mail for me to meet Kathleen in he office for a meeting with a few other Board members. I am a bit nervous about what she is wanting to meet with me about. Which takes us where I am now. I am walking towards the elevator to head to the floor her office is on. And of course my luck is against me today. Just as the doors start to shut.

"Niall!", I heard that familiar voice as his hand reached in to stop the doors from closing. I just lean up against the wall and shut my eyes. Why did he have to show up?

"What do you want Harry?", I asked keeping my eyes closed and not looking at him

"We need to talk Niall", Harry stated. "We can't keep acting like this"

"Like what?", I asked as I looked at him. "Like I am your employee? Or that your my boss? How am I acting, Harry?", I ask him as I push myself off the wall of the elevator and look at him

"You're acting like an ass Niall!", Harry said a bit harshly

"I'm the ass? Did I chew you out in front of everybody? Did I tell you that you are nothing to me? That I am better than you? That we will never be equal? No! That was you Harry! You said all of that to me! All because I was trying to keep YOUR company from getting scammed! So No Harry! I'm not the ass! You are!", I screamed out just as the doors open. Just as I was stepping off Harry grabbed my arm.

"Niall, we need to talk! You are over reacting a bit!", He said as he spun me around to look at him.

"Right now I have somewhere to be! So if you will excuse me!", I said as I pulled my arm away from him and made my way down the hall. I can't believe he says that I am the ass. Maybe a bit childish right now. But for once I have control over myself and how I feel and what I do. I am not about to let him take that from me. He will not beat me down. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I was standing right in front of Kathleens office door.

"Niall!", I heard a voice call out to me shaking me from my thoughts. It was Scott. Another Board member.

"Sorry mate. In my head again", I explained followed by a shy laugh.

"No problem mate. This place tends to do that to a person", He said with a smile as he opened the door to let us both walk through. Kathleen was setting at her desk and there were five other chairs for us to set in. This really made me nervous. There were going to be Four members and just little ole me.

"Okay", Kathleen said as she sat up in her chair laying her arms across her desk in front of her. "The reason we brought you in today Mr. Horan is because we think you would be a great asset for us. We have a great member leaving and we think you would be a great one to take the spot we need filled. If you are up for the task we would love to have you on our team", She explained to me. I looked around at the others in the room and they were nodding in agreement.

"I-I think I could be up for that", I stuttered out due to being nervous. I was not expecting that at all

"Alrighty then! Glad to hear that!", Kathleen exclaimed with a smile on her face. "Of course we will have a Board meeting and vote on it. But I believe all the members are happy with you. You took the companies interest over what your boss/boyfriend thought and that says a lot Mr. Horan. You're not afraid to speak out and say what is best. Of course we also have to discuss this with Mr. Styles as well", She said causing my smile at the beginning to fade at the end.

"What if he doesn't agree? What if he just wants to keep me in that little cubicle all the time?", I asked her.

"You will still work there, but if at any time we have a meeting or something urgent come up you will be told and expected to be there. We keep up with each other always either through e-mail or little meetings. Practically on a daily basis.", She explained. I set there for a bit and take in everything she has told me. Finally I spoke up

"Yes! I would love to be the one taking the spot!", I said probably too excitedly causing some laughs.

"Alright then. We will get back with you either Monday or Tuesday", She said. We all stood up and shook hands and said our goodbyes. "Have a great rest of the day and a great weekend as well Mr.Horan", She said as I walked out the office. I said the same to her and made my way to the elevator. If I did a little happy dance once out of sight of everyone. well, that's my business. The rest of the day went pretty good. Every so often Harry would send me messages asking about my day. I would send quick short answers and then go back to my work. At the end of the day I shut everything down and locked everything up. We are to let Harry know when we leave so he knows who is still on the floor and who isn't. Safety precautions or so I've be told. I call him on my business phone to let him know that I am leaving. He wants to talk more, but I just want to hang up and get home.

I am at home and head upstairs to take a shower and change into a pair of shorts before I eat dinner. Just want to relax this evening. Maybe drink a couple beers while netflixing. Just as I get out of the shower, I hear a voice down stairs.

"Niall!"..Dammit Harry! I hurry up and throw my shorts on and run down the stairs

"What do you want Harry?", I asked as I step off the last step. My arms folded across my chest with a bored look on my face.

"Look Niall these attitudes need to stop", Harry said as he stood there and looked at me.

"Well, I am working on mine. But some think it's funny to show theirs causing mine to get unleashed", I say as calmly as possible. "Now, can you tell me why you are in my house without me knowing?"

"Well, there is a party tomorrow night and you are to be there. It's like a company party", He explained.

"I am not going Harry", I tell him matter of factly.

"You are and you're going with me Niall!", Harry said a bit sternly

"You cannot come into my house and order me around!", I tell him a bit harshly. "You may be my boss at work, but after hours you are not!"

"Be ready by seven Niall. And dress professionally!", He said just as he opened my door. "By seven!", He said as he shut my door a bit roughly. Damn him! What makes him think he can order me around like this?! Great! A company party where he is head honcho and alcohol involved more than likely. I am definitely not looking forward to this.

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