Chapter 1

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* NightMare*

It was my 6th birthday party and I was celebrating it with my family I was running away from my brother giggling in my white puffy dress and my flower crown my brother is 10 his name is Justin Konte my mom is black and my dad is white I look like my mom also with skincolor and he looks like my dad also with skincolor, everytime when someone asked if we were bloodrelatives they never believed us cause he's white and I'm black and yata yata yata. I ran around the backyard with the sun shining bright and with my brother chasing me my father was standing at the BBQ making some spareribs while my mom was sitting on the swing watching us while rubbing her tummy. My mom was pregnant yes she was pregnant not anymore... My brother eventually catched me and started tickling my tummy making me laugh uncontrollably he stopped and we ran to my mom I put my head on her big tummy listening to my future sister and brother. I was super happy and so was my brother we suddenly heard some rustling coming from the woods behind our backyard we all looked at the woods Justin and I looked confused but my mom and dad looked scared terrified even ,all of a sudden we heard someone 'say it's time' the eyes of my parents widend as they started pushing my brother and I inside the house.

''Mommy what's happening why are we going inside and why is daddy locking everything up mommy'' I asked looking at my mom. She held my brother and I tightly against her body while I could feel her cry.

''Justin ,Shiquena don't forget even when daddy and I aren't with you anymore we will always watch and love you don't ever forget that''. she said crying.

''I love you too mom but what's going on?'' My brother asked confused we heard banging coming from the door my father ran towards us picked me up, grabbed my mother's hand and told my brother to run to my parents bedroom we all ran to their bedroom and locked it behind us. My mom and dad put us in the closet but idk why suddenly the windows shatterd into pieces onto the ground while I saw my dad holding onto my mom for dear life. I saw three men walking into the bedroom of my parents and when I looked closely I could see red eyes and fangs on the men.

''Your time is up and now it's time say goodbye to your life for good''. one of the men said to my parents. myy parents looked at us and mouthed a 'I love you' and we mouthed it back after that it all happend so fast. One of the men had my dad pinned against the wall and the other two were holding my mom while she started sobbing the fangs punctured into my parents's neck sucking out all of their life, I softly started crying trying into my brother's chest tryingnot to make allot of noice as he also started crying the men dropped my mother and father's lifeless bodies on the floor the closet door opend up as my brother and I looked up at the men with a terrified look written all over our faces. My brother picked me up and ran out of the room to our basement when we got to our basement we quickly ran to a corner and hid in the corner of the dark room with allot of spiderwebs hanging around us.

''Justin I'm scared '' I whisperd while looking up at him he looked down at me and gave me a peck on my nose just like my dad used to do.

''Don't worry little sis I'll protect you no matter what.'' He whisperd back Idk how but we were yanked away from our hiding spot and were facing the three men that killed my parents.

''Well well well ,seems like your parents left you here. I hope you don't mind me taking a little taste of you two.'' He said smirking. Before I could even function what was going on at the moment I felt two pair of fangs being digged into my neck I felt my breathing starting to slow down while my heart started pumping slower and slower by the second when I looked at my brother I could see a man biting him in his neck, he pushed the man with all his strength off of him and kicked the one that was sucking my blood off of me he picked me up bridal style and ran out of our old house. He started running on the road as fast as possible but I coudl feel that he started getting weaker as I felt my eyes getting heavier making it harder to keep them open. He collapsed onto the ground still holding onto me the last thing I heard were five men screaming for help and running towards us after that I blacked out.

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