Chapter 14

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Shiquena P.O.V

 I was walking in the woods with Luke and Calum by my side with the girl hanging off Luke's broad shoulder, I stopped when I thought we could bury the girl's dead body here. Luke used his earth powers and picked up the dirt as he threw the girl in the whole and put the dirt back on the ground on top of the girl. We started walking until I was attacked by someone from behind wrapping their hand around my mouth and waist, I took out my knife from my bra and stabbed the person in the arm. The person let me go and screamed in pain, Calum and Luke turned around and saw what happend and attacked the person. before they could dive onto the person they were both tackled to the ground by two other vampires, it were the heads of all the Clans. Sophie,Michael and Ashton allready took down three because the wife doesn't count only had to take these three down and there would be 4 more to go, I lunged myself onto the person that attacked me as the person lunged onto me. My anger got the best of me my hair were in flames so were my eyes and my whole body, the person had water surrounding them probally their power but trust me I also had weapons with me so I'm all good. I threw a fireball at the person hitting him right in the chest, I superspeeded next to the person and started burning him with my fire. The person was screaming in pain as I kept burning the person, soon the person was completly black and burned with wholes in their body. I stopped and took out the poisson dagger and made my way to the person, I slide the dagger accross the person's troath making the person die inmediatly. I turned around and saw Luke helping Calum up after they knocked the two others out, I walked to the two dead bodies and did the same I did to the other burned body. I helped Luke getting Calum up and we all superspeeded back to the cabin, I opend the door and closed it with my foot gently placing Calum onto the bed. I took out the medicalkit from underneath the bunkbed and started cleaning up his deep cuts and then finishing up the little wounds. When I was done with Calum I walked to Luke and treated his wounds aswell, he had slightly less wounds but just as bad as Calum's. I gently placed Luke next to Calum on the bottom bunkbed as I mad my way to the little kitchen to grab two glasses of water, I walked back to the boys with the glasses in my hand and handed each a glass of water. I told them that I was gonna go and sit on the porch outside as they both tried to convince me to stay inside but I still went outside, it was the worst mistake I've ever made. When I sat down I heard some russteling coming from the bushes surrounding the bushes around me. When I was about to get up and leave I was pulled back, a scream exscaped my mouth before the person put a cloth on my mouth the last thing I saw was Jacob Vlademir and Lylah kissing before everything turned black.

Calum P.O.V

I heard Shiquena scream outside, Luke and I looked at each other and ran outside of the cabin to search for Shiquena but we couldn't find her anywhere. I looked at the ground and saw a note laying down, I picked it up and started reading it.

Dear Calum,

Since you didn't want to listen to us or pick any of the options AND kill some of the leaders we decided to take away your little girlfriend. Don't think that you're gonna find her but if you do find her you will only find her dead body and nothing else, we will torture her for every damn minute that we had to search for you idiots. See you soon cause don't forget we're also after all of you.


If I was you I would go to the South side of the woods to see if your little british guy friends are still alive.

Heads of all the Clans

I crumbled the piece of paper in my hand and told Luke to come with me to the South side of the woods, we made it there in 5 minutes and stormed inside Naill and Louis's cabin seeing them there dead on the ground. Blood all over the room, the walls, the beds and the windows. I fell onto my knees sobbing, it feels like i've lost everything my girlfriend has been kidnapped by the Heads of all the Clans almost all my friends are dead now what else can I do we're not safe. All of a sudden Sophie and Michael bursted with Zayn and Liam through the door, but wait where are Ashton and Lylah? Oh no...

''LIAM WHERE IS LYLAH AND WHERE IS ASHTON!'' I screamed in his face holding him by the shoulders, everyones eyes widend in realastion.

''Lylah my wife? she's with Ashton in our cabin why?'' When he said that we all rushed to Sophie and Michael's cabin, I kicked the door down and ran inside looking for Lylah and Ashton but they were nowhere to be found.

'' MICHAEL ,GUYS I CAN'T FIND ASHTON ANYWHERE OR LYLAH'' Sophie screamed tears running down her face, we all superspeeded out of their old cabin to Liam and Zayn's old cabin. I kicked the door down and saw Ashton lying on the floor with blood exscaping his body, Sophie screamed and rushed to his side and started sobbing. Luke fell into Michael's arms sobbing as he tried to hold back the tears by bitting on his lip but it didn't work. Silent tears exscaping Liam and mine eyes as Zayn walked to the nightstand net to the bunkbed in the corner, He picked up the note and read it out loud.

''Dear Liam we had a great time together but to bad that it has to end here :( I'm sorry but I cheated on you with Jacob Vlademir and helped him hunt you guys down to kill you all one by one. I had to admit it was fun but after I killed Ashton it started getting borring sooo I helped Jacob kidnap Shiquena. She always knew that something was fishy about me maybe listen next tie to the girl Liam, she's really smart but I'm pretty sure there won't be a next time. Hugs and Kisses Lylah. THAT FUCKING BITCH I KNEW SHIQUENA WAS RIGHT ABOUT HER!'' Zayn screamed with tears streaming down his face, I made my way to him and gave him a hug letting him sob in my shoulder.

''Guys you all know what this means we're not safe in here this means we HAVE to find Shiquena and we HAVE to kill the Heads of all the Clans.'' Sophie and Michael you guys killed with Ashton three of them, Shiquena , Luke and I killed three which means that there's only four more left. Everyone grab you weapons we're going to kill some vampires and save my girl.'' I told everyone as I let go of Zayn, When everyone grabbed the rest of all of the weapons Sophie walked up to me and asked me something.

''Calum what will happen after we killed the Heads of all the Clans?'' She asked me with slight hope in her voice, I looked down at her and gave her a warm genuine smile.

''If we killed them we will be the Heads of all the Clans and we will be able to make the rules or even better we will become Royalties because there's one Head that's a Royalty and that person is the bastard that kidnapped my mate. And that person is Jacob Vlademir.''

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