Chapter 11

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Sophie P.O.V

Ashton,Michael and I were currently walking to the East side of the woods. It was quite the only sounds that were heard were the sounds of our boots crunching the leaves underneath us on the ground. After a couple of minutes I got a text, I fished my phone out of my backpocket as Ashton and Michael stood next to me reading the text. It was from Calum saying that they made it to their side safely and that on each side will be a cabin but that we have to hurry up because around 6 pm the Heads of all the Clans will go out and hunt. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost 6.

''Guys let's superspeed there it's almost six if the Heads of all the Clans catches us we're in a LOT of trouble''. I told them, they both nodded in aggreement and we started running to the East side of the woods.

~5 minutes later~

We made it just in time it's now 6pm and we were currently in the cabin sitting on the couch. I texted the groups that we also made it safely, seconds after group 1 also said that they amde it to their cabin safely but now the only question was where was group 2?

Louis P.O.V

We stopped our walk to the South side of the woods only because Naill and Gemma were hungry and wanted some blood. Just when I was feeding of a rabbit I heard some rusteling coming from the trees, I sniffed in the air and smelled the heads of all the Clans.

''GEMMA NAILL RUN RUN NOW GO!'' I told them they must've noticed the rusteling to because they also started sniffing the air. Their eyes widend when they smelled the scent, we all superspeeded to the South cabin. We were halfway there until Gemma was tackled to the ground. Naill and I turned around and helped her up ,but just as we were about to run we were surrounded by three vampires.

''What brings you to our side of the woods?!'' The tall girl spat at us, I told them none of their bussiness as they took that as a sign to attack. I took out my butterfly knife from my ankleboot and attacked the tall girl cutting her whole body. She scratched me in the eye making me fall backwards and hold my eye as I felt blood drip down my face, When I looked up I saw her with a smirk on her face. When she was about to kill me Naill shot her in the back making her fall onto the floor. I thanked him and helped Gemma who was badly hurt by one of the men. She had a deep cut in her cheek and a shotwound in her leg. I picked her up bridal style screamed for Naill to finish the man so we could continue and get to the cabin as soon as possible. Gemma was almost passing out until she heard a gunshot being fiered at the man that attacked Naill, he gave us a look that said let's get out of here NOW! The two us superspeeded as fast as possible to the cabin with Gemma in my arms on the point of passing out. We finally reached the cabin and stormed inside, Naill locked the door behind us as I placed Gemma onto the single bed in the corner of the room on the oppisite of the bunkbeds. 

''Naill text the group and said that we made it to the cabin but say that Gemma is hurt and we don't know where the medical stuff is''. Naill nodded grabbed his phone and texted the group what I told him.

''Gemma sweetheart keep your eyes open for me please stay awake you can sleep later Love'' I told her trying to keep her concious, after a couple of seconds we heard the phone of Naill signaling a text message.

''it says that they're happy that we made it and that the medical stuff is in the table next to the single bed on the bottom.'' He told me, I quickly opend the drawer and took out the medical stuff and started treating Gemma's wounds. After I was done I walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and a wet cloth for Gemma, when I walked back to the livingroom/bedroom to see Gemma asleep with Naill next to her holding her hand while stroking it with his thumb. I walked to them and gave Naill the glass of water and put the wet cloth on Gemma's forehead, I looked outside of the window seeing someone that looked like Harry but he was limping and bleeding.... wait a second... I ran out of the cabin with Naill calling my name telling me to come back, I ran to the limping person to see if it really was Harry. Just what I thought it was Harry. He saw me and his eyes widend and told me to get down, we layed down flat on our stomachs as we both were quite. I heard some footsteps coming our way, I looked up a little and saw two of the Heads of all the Clans standing infront of me. They stood there for a couple of minutes and continued to walk away, when I thought they were far away enough I picked Harry up and superspeeded back to the cabin closing it behind me with my foot. Naill rushed to us taking Harry out of my arms and placing him next to his sleeping sister on the single bed and started treating his wounds. I texted the group saying that we found Harry and that he's with us now in the cabin. Shiquena asked if he was okay or if we got caught by one of the heads of all the Clans, I told them he has some stabwounds and cuts on his body and that we almost got caught but for the rest that we're fine. Calum texted us saying to go to bed now and that we all should get some rest for tomorrow morning. Sophie asked why and I had to explain to her that tomorrow morning we're gonna go out and hunt for blood and the heads of all the Clans. She started typing and then said okay goodnight as the rest of the groups followed. I said goodnight and put my phone back in my pocket, I walked to Naill and Harry whose wounds were now treated and stopped bleeding.

''We should get some rest tomorrow we're gonna go out and hunt only Naill and I because the two of you are now to weak to hunt, but don't worry we will bring back som blood for you both''. I told Harry, he hummed a yeah in response and closed his eyes drifting off to sleep. I got undressed as did Naill and climbed into the top of the bunkbeds and wrapped the blanket around my body, Naill shot off the lights walked to the bottom bunkbed and mumbled a goodnight as I did the same. I closed my eyes thinking to myself if we were realy gonna win this battle.

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